Small Group Prayer Warriors: The Best in Tough Times

Small group prayer is powerful! That's why you need to be in a small group. You can ask them to pray for you when you are in difficulty.

small group prayer
Battle Drill Devotional
Small Group Prayer Warriors: The Best in Tough Times


Small group prayer is powerful! That’s why you need to be in a small group. You can ask them to pray for you when you are in difficulty.


Who do you turn to when you are going through a difficult patch. Who are your prayer warriors?

Small Group Prayer Warriors

When you’re going through a tough time, it is important to have people praying for you. This will be very easy for you if you are in a small group. Small group prayer warriors are easy to come by – that’s what we’re there for!

Joy and Peace is Found in Praying for Each Other

God’s vision for his people in Isaiah 55 is that they would live in joy and peace. Prayer is a mystery in many ways, but I can testify that it is easier to live in joy and peace with others if you are praying for each other. It just works!

The Power of Praying in Small Groups

There is more power in small group prayer than in praying by yourself. If you are not in a small group then you are unprotected. You will be lacking in the strength that comes from having like-minded Christians close beside you.

There is more power in group prayer than in the single power of you praying for yourself.

Pastor Rick Warren

You need God’s power to get through difficult times. God promises his power wherever two or three are gathered in his name. Small group prayer is powerful! That’s why you need to be in a small group. Then you can ask them to pray for you.

Love God, Love Others

The Salvation Army’s mission statement in the United Kingdom and Ireland is, Love God, love others. That’s what you are doing in small group prayer when you are praying for each other: loving others.

Think It Over

Think through the following:

  • Who are the people in your life you can call on to pray for you?

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