Accepting God’s Grace: The Most Important Thing You Will Ever Do

Accepting God's grace is essential. God's grace is like any other gift. It is of no value to us, unless we receive it.

accepting god's grace
Battle Drill Devotional
Accepting God's Grace: The Most Important Thing You Will Ever Do


God has the biggest and best gift you could ever receive. It’s his grace. It’s the gift that keep on giving, because as the songwriter reminds us:

His love has no limits, his grace has no measure,
His power no boundary known unto men;
For out of his infinite riches in Jesus
He giveth, and giveth, and giveth again.

Annie Johnson Flint (1866-1932)

Used By Permission. CCL Licence No. 135015
Copied from The Song Book of The Salvation Army
Song Number 30

Accepting God’s Grace is Essential

There is just one catch: you have to accept it. God’s grace is like any other gift. It is of no value to us, unless we receive it.

Accepting God’s Grace Can be Difficult

You may be holding off accepting God’s grace, because you feel unworthy. When we think about all the wrong things we have done in our lives, the many times we have rejected God, and moved away from him instead of moving towards him, it is natural to be worried he might not love and accept us. After all, that’s a very human reaction. If someone rejects us, hurts us, and does wrong by us, our human nature wants to reject that person in return.

Accepting God’s Grace Today

But God is not like that. He will never reject us. Whatever we’ve done, whoever we have been, he still loves us and longs to give us his grace. If you are overwhelmed by shame today, you can get rid of it. The grace of God can teach you to love God and draw closer to him. It is impossible not to love God when he loves you so much!

Will you accept God’s grace today?

Think It Over

Think about the following:

  • How do you respond to God’s grace when you realise it is a gift and not something to be earned?

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Unless otherwise shown, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright 1996, 2004, 2007, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

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