Weekly Summary
This week in the Battle Drill daily devotional podcast we answer the question, why are small groups important? Each weekday we share hope and encouragement as we read and study the Bible together.
Table of contents
Why are small groups important in a Salvation Army church family? They are in the DNA of our Movement.
What is a Small Group?
It is around 3-12 people doing Christian life deeply together. They grow deep friendships, support and encourage each other to grow into holiness, praying together, and meeting one another’s practical needs.
John Wesley and Small Groups
The Salvation Army’s spiritual forefather came to see small groups as important in the life of the church. John Wesley set up such groups at his Fetter Lane Society in London in 1738. They were founded on the following principles:
That they will meet together once a week, to confess their faults to one another, and pray for one another, that they may be healed.
That each person in order speak freely, plainly, and concisely as he can, the state of his heart, with his several temptations and deliverances, since the last time of meeting.
That nothing which is said in this conference be by any means mentioned out of it.
That every meeting be begun and ended with singing & prayer.
Rules and Orders of a Religious Society Meeting in Fetter Lane
That does not sound much different to today!
What is a small group? It is a group of Christians where God’s Word will be fruitful and accomplish God’s purposes as they study it and live life together (Isaiah 55:11). It’s a place where God’s people learn to live in joy and peace, where his people find shalom (Isaiah 55:12). Are you part of one yet?
Think It Over
Think through the following:
- Why are small groups so important in helping a Christian live a life of holiness?
There’s a new episode of Battle Drill Devotional every Monday through Friday.
Click on the link – https://linktr.ee/battlefieldresources – to listen, watch or subscribe to this podcast.
This Week’s Battle Drill Devotionals
- Monday 24 July – Why are Small Groups Important in The Salvation Army?
- Tuesday 25 July – Never Doubt What a Small Group Can Do with a Boundless God
- Wednesday 26 July – How To Set An Exciting Vision For Church Small Groups
- Thursday 27 July – Small Group Prayer Warriors: The Best in Tough Times
- Friday 28 July – Finding Genuine Christian Encouragement in Small Groups
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