A Mother’s Day Message

mothers day message from the pastor


Celebrate Mother’s Day by acknowledging the diversity of family life and honouring the role of motherhood. Whether a woman is a biological mother, adoptive mother, stepmother, or has nurtured others in a motherly role, her impact is immeasurable. Let us embrace and support all women who have played a nurturing and caring role in the lives of others. Create a community that recognises the unique contributions of all women and the calling God has placed upon their lives. Extend grace and understanding to those who may find Mother’s Day challenging, and offer support and encouragement to all within our congregation.

Introduction: A Mothers Day Message from the Pastor

Acknowledging the Diversity of Family Life

Today is Mother’s Day, and it is important to recognise that family life is experienced differently by each individual. We understand that not all women are mothers, and celebrating this day can sometimes be tricky. However, as your pastor, I want to take this opportunity to acknowledge and honour the role of motherhood, while also recognising the diverse experiences within our congregation.

A Calling by God

The role of a mother is not just a biological one; it is a calling by God. Whether a woman has biological children, has adopted, serves as a stepmother, or has nurtured and cared for others in a motherly role, her impact is immeasurable. The love, sacrifice, and dedication that mothers exhibit reflect the very nature of God’s love for us.

Equal to Any Other Calling

It is essential to emphasise that the role of a mother is equal to any other calling from God. While some may be called to serve in ministry or mission, others are called to be mothers. Each calling is unique and valuable, and we must honour and support one another in fulfilling our respective callings.

Embracing and Supporting All Women

On this Mother’s Day, let us celebrate not only the mothers within our congregation but also all women who have played a nurturing and caring role in the lives of others. Let us extend our love and support to those who may not have children but have impacted the lives of many. May we create a community that embraces and uplifts all women, recognising their unique contributions and the calling God has placed upon their lives.

As we honour mothers this Mother’s Day, let us also remember to extend grace and understanding to those who may find this day challenging. Let us be sensitive to the diverse experiences within our church family and offer support and encouragement to all.

May God bless each and every woman within our congregation, whether they are mothers or not, and may they find strength and joy in fulfilling the calling God has placed upon their lives.

Battle Drill Daily Devotional Podcast This Week:

This week, following Mothers’ Day, we are considering the character of the Woman of Valour described in Proverbs 31. Her values are ones we should all cultivate in our lives, with God’s help. Each weekday we share hope and encouragement as we read and study the Bible together.

  • Monday 11 March – Living with Integrity: A Proverbs 31 Devotional
  • Tuesday 12 March – A Mother’s Love and Sacrifice: Following the Example of Jesus
  • Wednesday 13 March – Unexpected Kindness: Reflecting God’s Mercy
  • Thursday 14 March – A Christian Family: A Learning Centre for Life
  • Friday 15 March – A Woman of Valour: Living Out Proverbs 31

There’s a new episode of Battle Drill Devotional every Monday through Friday.

Click on the link – https://linktr.ee/battlefieldresources – to listen, watch or subscribe to this podcast.


What is Mother’s Day?

Mother’s Day is a special day celebrated to honour and appreciate mothers and mother figures for their love and contributions to our lives.

When is Mother’s Day celebrated?

Mother’s Day is typically celebrated on the fourth Sunday of Lent in the United Kingdom, which falls in March or April.

How can I acknowledge the diversity of family life on Mother’s Day?

We can acknowledge the diversity of family life on Mother’s Day by recognising and celebrating all types of mother figures, including biological mothers, stepmothers, adoptive mothers, and so on.

How is Mother’s Day typically celebrated?

Mother’s Day is often celebrated by expressing gratitude and love towards mothers through various ways such as giving gifts, sending cards, preparing meals, or spending quality time together.

Photo by Ijaz Rafi on Unsplash

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