How To Apply God’s Word: The Most Wondrous Force Ever Seen

In How To Apply God's Word: The Most Wondrous Force Ever Seen, Isaiah reminds us that anyone who applies God’s word will be effective in their ministry.

apply god's word
Battle Ready Sermons
Battle Ready Sermons
How To Apply God's Word: The Most Wondrous Force Ever Seen


In How To Apply God’s Word: The Most Wondrous Force Ever Seen, Captain Rob Westwood-Payne explains that in both the British military expeditionary forces and the church, small groups are dispersed across a large area of operations.

The challenge for both organisations is to raise up well-equipped lay leaders to provide spiritual care. Isaiah reminds us that anyone who carries God’s word will be effective in their ministry.

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Sermon Series: Practical Tips For When You’re Facing Difficulties

Apply God’s Word FAQ

What does it mean to apply God’s word?

When we apply God’s Word, we not only read what he has to say to us through the Bible, but we put his commands and teachings into practice in our daily lives. With God in our lives, the Bible has plenty to say about many of the situations we find ourselves in.

How do you practically apply God’s word?

– Meditate on a verse or passage of Scripture.
– Ask God to show you how that verse or passage applies to your own situation.
– Agree with God the specific change you are going to make in your life in view of what you have read.
– Make the change.
– Check in on the change after a while and ensure it’s stuck.

Why is it important to apply the word of God?

It is important to apply God’s Word because that is one of its main purposes. God’s Word is there to reveal God to us. In that revelation is included his purpose and what he wants us to do in response to him. When we apply God’s Word, we strengthen our connection with him, and fulfil his purpose for our lives.

What happens when we practice God’s word?

The key to applying God’s Word in our lives is that putting into practice God’s Word ensures that we become the best version of ourselves that we can. His ways are so much better than our ways. When we apply God’s Word, we open up the way for him to bless us, and we fulfil the purpose we were created for.

What does the Bible say about applying the word of God?

“All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16-17 NLT).

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