Why Small Groups Are Actually Valuable To the Church

why small groups


Why small groups are a way that we can experience the love of God in our lives: relationships are nurtured, spiritual growth takes place, church is more personal.


Today at Maidenhead Citadel we are relaunching our cell groups.

I hope this encourages you to be interested in starting or joining a small group. Great! Small groups are an incredible tool for the church and its members. But before you start looking at the logistics and planning, let’s talk about why small groups are so valuable in the first place.

Small Groups Help People Learn to be a Part of the Body

Small groups are a place where people can learn to be a part of the body.

In 1 Corinthians 12, Paul talks about how we all have different gifts and talents. He says that if all these different parts of us don’t work together in harmony, we will not be able to function properly as a body. A small group is an environment where you can practice working with other people who have different gifts than yours, and this will help you become more effective when you go back into your larger context (i.e. the corps).

A Place Where You Can Meet God

Small groups are a place where you can meet God.

Small groups are also a place where you can meet other people, which is important because we’re created in God’s image. God wants us all to know each other and be connected as one body (Ephesians 4:15).

We have been created with a need to belong somewhere, and when we don’t find that in our churches, we look elsewhere for it.

A Place for Relationship Development

Small groups are a place for relationship development.

The Bible says that we should be “knit together” (Ephesians 4:16). In a small group, you can meet God and connect with other people in your church community. Small groups foster spiritual growth by helping people learn how to apply Biblical principles in their lives, as well as how to live out those principles in community with other believers. They also make church more personal by giving people an opportunity to get more involved with each other on a deeper level than just going through the motions of attending meetings together once a week.

Foster Holiness

Small groups are an amazing place to learn about the Bible. They’re also a great place to learn about God and holiness or spiritual growth, Christian living, relationships – you name it! Small groups provide an intimate environment where people can share their struggles and successes with others who are going through similar things.

In small group settings we’re able to build up each other in our faith as well as challenge one another when needed (1 Corinthians 14:26).

Make Church More Personal

Small groups help people feel connected. They make church more personal. In small groups, you can meet God – and he’ll meet you!


Small groups are a way that we can experience the love of God in our lives. They provide an environment where relationships can be built and nurtured, spiritual growth can take place, and church becomes more personal. If you’re looking for ways to reach out to others or grow yourself spiritually through community involvement, then starting or joining a small group may be just what you need!

This week in the Battle Drill daily devotional podcast we answer the question, why are small groups important? Each weekday we share hope and encouragement as we read and study the Bible together.

There’s a new episode of Battle Drill Devotional every Monday through Friday.

Click on the link – https://linktr.ee/battlefieldresources – to listen, watch or subscribe to this podcast.

Photo by Nicolas Lobos on Unsplash

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