Two Questions to Ask Before Deciding to Follow Jesus

deciding to follow Jesus


Deciding to follow Jesus means making tough choices. Here’s four questions to ask before making your decision.


For many of us, following Jesus is easy. We know what his life calls us to do, and we’re eager to do it. But for others, following Jesus can be confusing, daunting, and requiring tough choices to be made. Here’s two questions that will help you find the answers you need so that you can make the best decision possible about whether or not you want to follow Jesus.

What does deciding to follow Jesus look like for me?

Following Jesus means making a decision to follow him. It means obeying him and following his example. This can be difficult at times because we’re human beings who make mistakes and don’t always do what is right. But when we do obey Jesus, he blesses us with peace and joy in our hearts as well as good things happening in our lives (Matthew 7:7-8).

Following Jesus also means following his commands, which includes loving God above all else (Luke 10:27), loving others like we love ourselves (Mark 12:31), sharing the gospel with others so they might come to know Christ (Romans 10:14-17), giving generously to help meet needs around us (Acts 2:44-45), praying regularly for guidance from God’s Spirit so that we won’t go astray along life’s journey (Ephesians 6:18), and reading Scripture regularly so it can become part of who you are inside rather than just something external for knowledge purposes only.

Do I decide to follow Jesus as his disciple?

If you’re just beginning to consider following Jesus, the next question is whether or not you want to be a disciple. Being a follower means pledging yourself to follow him for the rest of your life. It means making some changes in your life and making sacrifices that may seem difficult at first but will be worth it in the end.

Being a disciple of Jesus means following him. To be his follower is to make some tough decisions about what we will do with our lives and about our priorities. It also requires trust in Jesus, since he asks for our commitment but does not guarantee that everything will turn out OK or that things won’t get worse before they get better (if ever).


Following Jesus is a personal decision, but it’s also one that has eternal implications. It requires some tough decisions, but many of us can testify it has changed our lives for good. I hope you have decided to follow Jesus. It is the best decision you could ever make.

This week in Battle Drill devotionals, we consider what is required to stand up for Christ in a world that is full of beliefs and ideas that go against him. Each weekday we share hope and encouragement as we read and study the Bible together.

There’s a new episode of Battle Drill Devotional every Monday through Friday.

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