Embrace Hope and Peace This Advent Season with the Timeless Message of Isaiah

#WonderfulCounsellor #FoundationOfHope #MentalWellness #FaithBlog #JesusTeachingsIn these chaotic times full of uncertainty, let's tap into the wisdom of the "Wonderful Counsellor". Our latest sermon titled "Wonderful Counsellor: How Jesus Establishes a Foundation of Hope" gathers insights into finding light in the darkness. It's about taking comfort in knowing you have a reliable counsellor - a beacon of hope 🕯 that never goes out. Click the link to delve into this comforting narrative.

Wonderful Counsellor - a hope inspiring sunrise
Battle Ready Sermons
Battle Ready Sermons
Embrace Hope and Peace This Advent Season with the Timeless Message of Isaiah


Explore the comprehensive meaning of Jesus as the Wonderful Counsellor and the path to hope.


As the holiday season approaches, we often find ourselves overwhelmed by the flurry of activities, the pursuit of the perfect gift, and the never-ending stream of festive engagements. But what if we could find a deeper meaning amidst the tinsel and lights, a balm for the soul in a world fraught with conflict and uncertainty?

A Vessel of Hope

Enter “Wonderful Counsellor: How Jesus Establishes a Foundation of Hope,” a compelling sermon that addresses our feelings of helplessness in the face of global problems and the conflicts between nations. This poignant audio piece delves into the limited capacity of politicians to resolve such intricate global issues and ponders the knowledge and intervention of the divine in these matters. But fear not, for this sermon isn’t just an articulation of our worldly troubles—it’s a vessel of hope, and it’s here to guide us through the Advent season with a powerful message.

Imagine a king who could illuminate the darkness, a ruler who would uphold God’s promises despite human sin and rebellion. “Wonderful Counsellor: How Jesus Establishes a Foundation of Hope” brings us face to face with such a monarch, yet in the most unexpected form—a vulnerable child, Jesus. Through the prophecies of Isaiah, we’re introduced to this child with four names that echo his divine and supernatural nature: Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

The word “wonderful” isn’t just thrown around lightly here. It underscores the supernatural aspect of Jesus’s birth, his healing miracles, and his teachings, all of which require the assistance of the Holy Spirit to fully comprehend. As we prepare for Christmas, the sermon invites us to focus on Jesus during Advent, drawing attention to his supernatural wisdom and counsel.

Slow Down, Pray, and Prepare

But how can we incorporate this message into our busy holiday routines? The sermon suggests a simple yet profound practice: wearing a purple ribbon on our wrist as a reminder to slow down, to pray, and to prepare ourselves for the arrival of the “Wonderful Counsellor.” This symbolic act serves as a call to seek hope, peace, love, and joy in the commemoration of Jesus’s arrival.

In a time when the holiday stress and exhaustion seem all but inevitable, “Wonderful Counsellor: How Jesus Establishes a Foundation of Hope” encourages us to find enchantment, comfort, and intelligence in Jesus. The sermon concludes with a prayer, asking for guidance through the time of Advent, thus offering a spiritual roadmap for the season.

A Time for Genuine Spiritual Renewal

As we step into this time of reflection and anticipation, let’s take a moment to consider the profound message encapsulated in this sermon. Allow yourself the gift of understanding and the promise of peace that comes with the Advent season. Listen to “231203_sermon.mp3” and let it transform your holiday experience into one of genuine spiritual renewal.

This Advent, don’t just deck the halls—adorn your heart with the hope and peace of Isaiah’s prophecies, and rediscover the true wonder of Christmas.

Click on the link – https://linktr.ee/battlefieldresources – to listen, watch or subscribe to this podcast.

Photo by Artem Sapegin on Unsplash

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Sermon Series: He Shall Be Called

Battle Drill Daily Devotional Podcast This Week

This week on the Battle Drill Daily Devotional Podcast, we explore the wisdom that Jesus, our Wonderful Counsellor, gives us. Each weekday we share hope and encouragement as we read and study the Bible together.

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