Why Won’t God Answer My Prayer? A Deep Dive on Building Faith through Delayed Answers

#FaithGrowth #PrayersTimes #DivineDelay #SpiritualStrength #GodsPlanStruggling with unanswered prayers can challenge your faith 🙏 but remember that delayed answers aren't necessarily denied ones. Learn more in our latest daily devotional podcast episode "Why Won't God Answer My Prayer? A Deep Dive on Building Faith through Delayed Answers” about why God may seem silent when you're asking ‘why won't God answer my prayer’? Strength and trust are built during our faith's testing times. Click on the link.

Man Praying Why Won't God Answer
Battle Drill Devotional
Why Won't God Answer My Prayer? A Deep Dive on Building Faith through Delayed Answers


Understanding why won’t God answer my prayer? Building faith through waiting.


Have you ever felt like God is taking too long to answer your prayers? Have you ever asked yourself or someone you trust, why won’t God answer my prayer? Like the blind men in Matthew 9:27-38, who desperately cried out to Jesus for healing, we can sometimes grow impatient when we don’t receive an immediate response.

Why Won’t God Answer My Prayer? Maybe There’s a Purpose to the Delay

But what if there’s a deeper purpose behind the delay? What if Jesus intentionally waits and questions us to help us understand our deepest need and to increase our faith?

In this passage, Jesus encounters two blind men who persistently follow him, pleading for mercy and healing. Instead of instantly granting their request, Jesus asks them, ‘Do you believe I can make you see?’ He challenges them to express their faith and trust in him.

Delays Build Our Faith

Jesus’ delay in answering their pleas may seem puzzling at first, but it reveals his desire to build their faith. He wanted them to recognise that their greatest need was not physical healing but spiritual transformation. By questioning them, Jesus helped these men dig deeper and discover the true nature of their need.

Similarly, when we feel like God is too slow in answering our prayers, it’s an opportunity for us to examine our hearts and align our desires with his. He may be using the waiting period to refine our faith, deepen our trust, and shape us into the people he wants us to be.

So, the next time you find yourself waiting for God’s response and asking yourself why won’t God answer my prayer, remember that he may be using the delay to build your faith. Embrace the questions, seek his wisdom, and trust that he knows what’s best for you.

Reflection Question:

How can you use the waiting period to grow in faith and trust in God?

Photo by Samuel Rios on Unsplash

Battle Drill Daily Devotional Podcast This Week

This week on the Battle Drill Daily Devotional Podcast, we reflect on Jesus’ compassion and willingness to be interrupted by those in need. As his followers, we are called to do the same. Each weekday we share hope and encouragement as we read and study the Bible together.

There’s a new episode of Battle Drill Devotional every Monday through Friday.

Click on the link – https://linktr.ee/battlefieldresources – to listen, watch or subscribe to this podcast.

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