Ushering in the Kingdom of God: Living like we’ve been with Jesus

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they knew they had been with jesus
Battle Drill Devotional
Ushering in the Kingdom of God: Living like we've been with Jesus


Transform your life and make an eternal impact. Discover how to live in a way that reflects your relationship with Jesus. Join us on this journey!


It’s hard to be confident about anything these days. We are bombarded with so much conflicting information, it’s difficult to tell what’s true and what isn’t.

They Knew They Had Been With Jesus But They’re Living in Fear and Doubt

Peter and John and Jesus’ other disciples found themselves like this following Jesus’ death. They were hidden in an upper room in Jerusalem, afraid of the authorities and what they might do next. Jesus had said he would return, but surely that couldn’t be true?

They Knew They Had Been with Jesus and Now It Brought Them Confidence

But fast-forward through Jesus’ miraculous resurrection and the coming of the Holy Spirit on his followers at Pentecost, and Peter and John and the other disciples were transformed. Now they are full of confidence. So much so that when Peter and John are dragged before the council of the rulers, elders, and teachers of religious law in Jerusalem, their confidence was such that they knew they had been with Jesus.

The Confidence of Knowing God is in Control

The early chapters of Acts show clearly that Peter and John knew that God was in control. They knew that God has a plan and a purpose. One day Jesus is going to return. In the meantime, his followers are called to help usher in the Kingdom of God.

This means we should change how we live our lives every day. We should live them so that people can say they knew we had been with Jesus, and that we expect to be with Jesus again some day, for eternity. We should live with that expectation ourselves.

When we do it will give us great confidence. It will remind us that God is in control. One day, through his Son, Jesus Christ, he will make everything right and new. And when people encounter us, may they encounter the Kingdom in a way they knew they had been with Jesus.

Think It Over

Think about the following:

  • In what situation do you need to claim the confidence that comes from knowing God is in control?

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