3 of the Latest and Best Leadership Articles (16 September 2022)

best leadership articles


It’s hard to stay on top of the many leadership and productivity articles published each week. To help you become the best leader possible, here are three articles I found helpful this week:

12 Evidences You Might Have Stopped Growing as a Leader by Chuck Lawless

“Leaders who stop growing lose their edge as a leader. They become stale, even if others may not readily recognize it. See if your life reflects any of these indications that you’ve possibly stopped growing as a leader.”

5 Steps on a Lifelong Path to Spiritual Authority by Dan Reiland

“The wisest of leaders understand that their authority wasn’t theirs in the first place and steward it with wisdom, grace, and strength of character.

“There are two primary sources of authority, God, and man. (Spiritual and organizational) The two are usually integrated. The important thing to remember is that you are never the source of your own authority.

“If you forget where your authority came from, that’s often when your leadership missteps begin.”

5 Ways to Defeat Fatigue – Leadership Freak

“You’re at your worst when you drag out of bed and light your candle with caffeine to keep going.

“Stop working to the point of exhaustion every day. When you burn the candle at both ends, you burnout twice as fast.

“The challenges of leadership require the intentional practice of self-care.”

Thanks for reading with me. If you discovered an enlightening, must-read leadership or productivity link recently, drop me a line and share!

Photo by Sergey Zolkin on Unsplash

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