3 of the Latest and Best Leadership Articles (18 August 2023)

best leadership articles

The Best Leadership Articles I Read This Week

It’s hard to stay on top of the best leadership articles published each week. So here are three articles I found helpful this week.

This Week’s Best Leadership Articles:

A Call to Elevate Prayer in Our Discipleship by Jeremy Bell

“In the pursuit of the instantaneous, we in the West have created an assembly line approach to discipleship that is more concerned with quantity rather than quality. One of my greatest concerns is that this mass production approach to discipleship increases the chances of neglecting the power of prayer within our disciple-making processes. Therefore, we should remind ourselves of Jesus’s prayerful approach to discipleship so that we might be in a better position to increase our gospel-powered ability to make disciples.”

10 Steps To Improving Communication Among Your Church Staff by Brian K. Dodd

“As a church leader, you know that clear, open communication is the key to a healthy, unified staff. When your team communicates effectively, they can collaborate smoothly, resolve conflicts, and ultimately further the mission of your church. But when communication breaks down, isolated silos form, frustration builds, and petty conflicts arise. Improving communication takes some intentional effort, but it’s worth it. Follow these tips to foster better communication habits within your church staff.”

Four Tactics for Automating Your Tasks and Creating Space for Work-Life Balance by Rachel Rowney

“It’s common knowledge that we must make space for rest and rejuvenation. Sleep, exercise, spending time with loved ones, connecting with yourself and others around you. These are all vital things to lead a harmonious life. But how? The power of automation.”

Do You Have One of the Best Leadership Articles to Share?

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Photo by Sergey Zolkin on Unsplash

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