Mobile Email Management: An Effective Remedy For Overwhelmed Email

mobile email management


Are you overwhelmed by email? Are you looking for how to implement mobile email management so that you’re not stressed out from receiving emails 24/7 wherever you are? This is part four of an eight-part series on how to manage your email inbox.

Mobile Email Management: Push Email to Only One Mobile Device

I used to be in a situation where an email would arrive, ping my computer, my iPad, my iPhone, and my Apple Watch all at the same time. Boy, was I stressed! So here is the Mobile Email Management system I have implemented:

First of all, turn all notifications off on all devices. If you are serious about only checking your email twice a day (see part 1 of this series), then you don’t need to be notified the moment they arrive.

Secondly, have your work email on only one device. I have them only on my work iPhone and despite the fact it’s available, I don’t ask it to push my emails (i.e. download them as soon as they arrive). I have set it to manual, so that emails only download when I open the Outlook app. I try to have boundaries around the use of my work phone and don’t tend to pick it up all time (so I avoid some of the temptation to check my emails), but it is still available if I am away from my computer and need to deal with an email urgently.


I am passionate about leaders (especially spiritual leaders) being as productive and effective as possible. Your ministry will have all the more impact if you can deal with administration efficiently and effectively. So now you know know one Mobile Email Management method, why not try taming your mobile emails today? And follow along for seven more tips on how to manage your inbox.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

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