Writing Good Emails: A Remarkable Tip You Need to Know

writing good emails


Are you overwhelmed by email? Writing good emails can help us be more effective and productive. This is part seven of an eight-part series on how to manage your email inbox.

Writing Good Emails: Send Only Short Ones!

OK. Confession time. Writing this post has reminded me of this principle, that I have let slip. I have posted in the past about writing emails with military precision.

As part of my research for that post, I discovered the military have a term: BLUF. It means, Bottom Line Up Front. In other words, when writing good emails, start every email message with your request or the most important information at the beginning rather than burying it in the middle or building up to it at the end. Make your request, and then explain why you are making it, if you need to. Or provide the information the recipient needs to take action, and then provide the background afterwards. Keep the explanation short. Your recipients will thank you!


I am passionate about leaders (especially spiritual leaders) being as productive and effective as possible. Your ministry will have all the more impact if you can deal with administration efficiently and effectively. Writing good emails is important. So now you know how to implement the BLUF method, why not give it a go today? Your email recipients will thank you! And follow along for seven more tips on how to manage your inbox.

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

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