We Belong Together: The Power of Unity in the Church

We can find the power of unity in the church If we look past our differences and focus on the unity Christ wants for us. God can do amazing work through us.

the power of unity in the church
Battle Drill Devotional
We Belong Together: The Power of Unity in the Church

Weekly Summary

This week in Battle Drill devotionals, following The Salvation Army’s congress in the United Kingdom and Ireland, Together 2023, we consider what we can do to build up our church to be as beautiful as it can be.

The Power of Unity in the Church

Picture in your mind the people you worship with each week. You belong to them! And they belong to you! Every one of them is different and you are different to them. But just as a human body fits together and works together, so should the Body of Christ. That’s where we find the power of unity in the church.

There is Power in Unity

Whatever differences there are – gender, race, culture, even differences of opinion – don’t matter as much as the unity of the church. The power of unity in the church comes because we have all been baptised by the same Holy Spirit and that helps us to live and work together in unity.

You belong here and are part of that unity. Many of us have made that sense of belonging visible, by being made adherent members or enrolling as a soldier and wearing uniform. But whether you’ve taken those steps or not, you still belong here!

Why is unity important?

If we look past the differences we have and focus on the unity Christ wants for us, then God can do amazing work through us. The power of unity in the church is found if you and I are willing to take our place and play our part.

Think It Over

Think about the following:

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This Week’s Battle Drill Devotionals

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