God made you in his image and designed you to connect.
Have you ever noticed how God uses the plural when he says, “Let us make human beings in ourimage”? What does this mean? Some have argued it is regal language – the “royal we”, like Queen Victoria saying, “We are not amused”. Some suggest that God was consulting with the angels of heaven, but this is not borne out elsewhere in the Bible.
Whilst the original writer of Genesis nor the original hearers of the creation account would not have understood it this way, as God continued to reveal himself to human beings through the rest of the Scriptures, Christians can now see the Trinity – God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit – all of whom are God discussing the creation of humanity together. Genesis 1 clearly mentions God the Father and God the Spirit in the creation account, and at the beginning of his gospel, John echoes “In the beginning God …” by declaring that “In the beginning was the Word” – Jesus.
In the beauty and mystery of the Trinity, God continually reveals himself in the plural, and we discover that God himself is relational. Our God is a connecting and connected God. And designed in his image, we are designed to connect too – with God and with each other. You were not designed to walk alone!
The best way to fulfil your destiny to connect with others is in a local church family. Your church family can protect and support and help you become the person God designed you to be. Life is about deep and lasting relationships. God is love and he created you in his image to learn to love him and to love others with his love.
Think It Over
Think about the following:
• Who are the people in your life who walk with you and support you? How could you connect with them today?