Serving in Church: Summary
Serving in church matters because we all depend on each other to function effectively. So don’t be a spectator, get involved!
The church is like a jigsaw puzzle. Each piece fits together into a unified whole, and when it is complete, then it is beautiful.
Serving in Church: We Need You!
If you are missing, then that beautiful picture is marred. It is incomplete. Your presence and your service is essential. Every ministry is important. Nothing is insignificant.
Serving in the Church: Every Ministry Matters
Those ministries that are “up front” like preaching and music are no more important than those that take place behind the scenes, like administration, finance, even cleaning the building. In fact, it’s often the behind the scenes ministries that make the biggest difference. Your church or corps would quickly cease to function if its finance wasn’t kept in order!
How Can You Serve the Church in Your Unique Way?
When it comes to serving in church, every act of service matters because we all depend on each other to function effectively. So don’t be a spectator, get involved! Do something. Take your place. Ensure that your part of the picture is filled. God is calling you to service. Will you listen and do whatever he asks you to do?
Think It Over
Think about the following:
- Where have you seen God use what some might think is an insignificant ministry to make a big difference in your life or in someone else?
There’s a new episode of Battle Drill Devotional every Monday through Friday.
Click on the link – https://linktr.ee/battlefieldresources – to listen, watch or subscribe to this podcast.
This Week’s Battle Drill Devotionals
- Monday 17 July – We Belong Together: The Power of Unity in the Church
- Tuesday 18 July – Serving in Church: We Are Missing A Piece
- Wednesday 19 July – Be An Encourager: Friends Are Those Who Bring Out The Best In Each Other
- Thursday 20 July – Gossip in the Church: Keeping Confidences Builds Incredible Trust
- Friday 21 July – How To Grow Your Church or Corps Dramatically: Love
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