How To Break Free From Sin, Once and For All

If you want to know how to break free from sin, then you must understand what Jesus has done for you.

how to break free from sin
Battle Drill Devotional
How To Break Free From Sin, Once and For All


Do you want to know how to break free from sin? Do you have a persistent sin you wish you could get rid of? How can you do that?

How to Break Free from Sin? Understand What Jesus Has Done for You

When it comes to knowing how to break free from sin, the first step is to understand what Jesus has done for you. Paul reminds us that Jesus’ death and resurrection has given us the free gift of eternal life from God. Jesus paid for our sin on the cross. And his resurrection power is available to us, through his Holy Spirit, to give us the power to say no to sin. If you are worried because you have no willpower, then worry no more! Now you have Holy Spirit power!

Freedom from the Power of Sin

If Jesus had simply died for our sins and paid the penalty for all the wrong we have done, that would be good news enough. But his resurrection goes further. Jesus took our old sin nature and gave us a completely new nature. Once we were slaves to sin. That’s the weakness of our human nature. But in Christ, we are free from the power of sin and are slaves to God instead. He gives us the power we need to live lives of holiness. We give ourselves to be slaves of righteous living, and God’s power helps us to become holy.

How to Break Free from Sin: Call on God’s Power

Sin no longer has power in your life. Your sin nature is dead, and a dead person cannot be tempted! Now you have more than enough Holy Spirit power to resist temptation and finally break the vicious circle of that persistent sin. Thanks be to God!

Think It Over

Think about the following:

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