Happy and Contented With Life and All God Gives Us

We can be happy and contented in life when we remember we are stewards of God’s blessings to us. We hold our possessions with open hands.

Battle Drill Devotional
Happy and Contented With Life and All God Gives Us


We can be happy and contented in life when we remember we are stewards of God’s blessings to us. We hold our possessions with open hands.

Are You Happy and Content?

Are you happy and contented? Some people seem to think that being happy and content means they’ve given up striving to make life better. They’ve simply settled for their lot in life.

Real Contentment is About Remembering Why We’re Here

But that’s not what it means to be contented. Real contentment has nothing to do with your circumstances. Contentment is about remembering our place in God’s creation. We don’t own anything. It’s on loan to us whilst we’re here on earth. Most of us know, deep down, that we can’t take it with us!

Happy and Contented Stewards

We are stewards of God’s blessings to us. When we understand that we can hold our possessions with open hands and be grateful to God for gifting them to us. Learning to be content with all God has given us is a sure way to happiness.

Think It Over

Think about the following:

  • What does it really mean to hold the possessions God has blessed you with, with an open hand?

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This Week’s Battle Drill Devotionals

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