The Power of God’s Foolishness

#GodOfFoolishness #Jesus #Salvation #Power #EternalLifeDiscover the incredible power and eternal life that awaits you through Jesus Christ and his message of salvation. Join us as we explore the profound impact and blessings that come from embracing the 'foolishness' of God. Don't miss out on the good news that can transform your life!

god of foolishness
Battle Drill Devotional
Battle Drill Devotional
The Power of God's Foolishness


Discover the power and eternal life offered through Jesus Christ and his message of salvation. Embrace the ‘foolishness’ of Jesus and experience the transformative impact it can have in your life. Explore how to approach Jesus in humility and faith and find true power in his Kingdom. Reflect on the question of how to embrace the ‘foolishness’ of Jesus and unlock the source of true power and everlasting life. Join us in embracing the ‘foolishness’ of Jesus and discover the power it holds for your life.

Introduction: The God of Foolishness

When we think of famous people, we often associate their fame with power, influence, or great wealth. Whether it’s a politician, a celebrity, or a sports star, they possess something that our society admires and worships. However, the Bible tells us that the Good News of Jesus Christ is often considered foolishness by many.

The Foolishness of Jesus

Both Jews and Greeks had difficulty accepting the Gospel message because it didn’t align with their expectations. The Jews anticipated a triumphant Messiah who would establish a powerful kingdom, while the Greeks couldn’t comprehend the idea of bodily resurrection. Jesus, as a humble servant who avoided worldly power, seemed like a foolish choice for a saviour.

The Power in God’s Foolishness

Although the world may view Jesus’ message as foolishness, there is tremendous power in it. Jesus’ death on the cross was not the end; he conquered death through his resurrection. This demonstrates his power over death and destruction. By trusting in his “foolishness,” we can receive salvation and eternal life.

Embracing God’s “Foolishness”

Unlike the pursuit of power, influence, or wealth, Jesus offers entry into his Kingdom to those who approach him in humility and faith. Our good deeds cannot earn his salvation. It is through accepting his “foolishness” that we find true power and everlasting life.


Remember, the world may consider Jesus’ message foolish, but in reality, it is the source of true power and eternal life. Let us humbly embrace this “foolishness” and discover the transformative impact it can have in our lives.

Reflection Question

How can you embrace the “foolishness” of Jesus in your own life and experience the power it holds?

Battle Drill Daily Devotional Podcast This Week

This week on the Battle Drill Daily Devotional Podcast we focus on the wisdom of God, which often seems foolish to the world, but is the very power of God. Each weekday we share hope and encouragement as we read and study the Bible together.

There’s a new episode of Battle Drill Devotional every Monday through Friday.

Click on the link – – to listen, watch or subscribe to this podcast.

Photo by Mark Fletcher-Brown on Unsplash

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