Where Can You Worship God? Any Time and Anywhere

where can you worship god


We can worship God any time and anywhere. We don’t have to wait until we get to church on a Sunday morning!

Worshipping God in my favourite place

This week, Gail, Harley and I have found ourselves back in our favourite place – North Norfolk. We’ve had opportunity to rest and relax and to be refreshed before we enter the busy season of Christmas.

I find it very easy to worship God when I am by the sea. There is something in the sounds, something in the vastness and untamed power of the sea that connects me to the God that created it.

Worship is crucial for the Christian

It reminds me that we can worship God any time and anywhere. We don’t have to wait until we get to the Hall on a Sunday morning! Worship is so important to the Christian. It is one of the chief ways God transforms us. If you face conflict, worship can help you focus on God who has the ultimate victory. If we listen intently to what God has to say to us in worship, it draws us into a closer and deeper relationship with him. As we study the Scriptures in worship together, we become great students of all God has to teach us. And if we are worrying about something, worship helps us refocus and centre our lives on Christ instead.

Let’s worship!

So whether you’re by the sea this week, in the Hall, washing the dishes (or loading the dishwasher!), in your garden, or at your desk – let’s worship!

This week in our Battle Drill devotionals, we focus on worship, one of the most important ways God uses to transform us. There’s a new episode of Battle Drill Devotional every Monday through Friday.

You can head to https://battledrilldevotional.podbean.com for more details and to subscribe to the audio podcast wherever you get your podcasts or you can catch up with us on the Battlefield Resources Facebook page – https://www.facebook.com/battlefieldresources. Like the page and get a notification when a new episode drops or sign up to be sent an email – http://eepurl.com/h2FPND.

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

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