3 of the Latest and Best Leadership Articles (28 April 2023)

best leadership articles


It’s hard to stay on top of the many leadership and productivity articles published each week. To help you become the best leader possible, here are three articles I found helpful this week:

3 Rejuvenation Tactics to Optimise Your Week and Free Up Your Weekends by Justin Onslow

“Winning back your weekends—and your evenings— is about what you do from Monday morning through Friday afternoon. A better work week means a better weekend. It means turning off your phone (or at least silencing it for a few hours) to take your child fishing or spend some quiet time on the beach with your spouse. To win back your weekends, you have to optimise your work week, and that starts with a few practices that will help you regain your footing.”

7 Tips to Being a High-Achiever by Ron Edmondson

“I am frequently asked how I am able to get so much done and still take care of myself and my family. By some standards I would be consider a “high-achiever”. I pastor a large church, maintain a separate non-profit ministry, speak at various conferences and events. Plus, I have an active online presence, mentor about a dozen pastors at any given time – some in groups and some as individuals, plus I mentor 9 young leaders in our church. And I try to stay active in the community – serving on a number of non-profit boards. Mostly, I strive to be the person, husband and father my congregation could seek to follow. As I’ve reflected of what helps me accomplish much, I came up with some thoughts as to how I’m able to maintain productivity.”

The Unfortunate Results of The Iceberg Of Ignorance | Brian Dodd on Leadership by Brian Dodd

“Leaders need to think of the 10% above the surface as the leader and inner-circle.  This could be the executive team, select Board members, or just those trusted by the leader. What is below the surface are all those in the organisation being led by the leader.  This 90% is where all the action takes place.”

Thanks for reading with me. If you discovered an enlightening, must-read leadership or productivity article recently, drop me a line and share!

Photo by Sergey Zolkin on Unsplash

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