Why It Is Important To Know Your Identity In Christ

This week in Battle Drill Daily Devotionals we explore why it is important to know your identity in Christ.

why it is important to know your identity in christ
Battle Drill Devotional
Why It Is Important To Know Your Identity In Christ

Weekly Summary

This week in Battle Drill Daily Devotionals we explore why it is important to know your identity in Christ. Each weekday we share hope and encouragement as we read and study the Bible together.


Our true identity is only found in Christ. That’s why it is important to know your identity in Christ.


If you’ve ever received an email or letter from me, you may have noticed I often sign them off, “In Christ”. Why? Because it is important that you and I both know that our true identity is found only in Christ. After all, he is the one who created us! My identity is found in Christ. My work finds meaning only in Christ.

We Discover Our True Identity Through Our Creator

In Christ, we find out who we are. We can only discover our true identity by getting to know our Creator. The world emphasises getting to know ourselves. But God knows everything about us, so why don’t we simply ask him? God made you to love you. He gives you a purpose in life.

Why It Is Important To Know Your Identity In Christ

We are often tempted to look to other people for our identity, or to try to find it in our work, our successes, even our ministry and service.

Our true identity is only found in Christ. That’s why it is important to know your identity in Christ.

Think It Over

Think through the following:

  • Where have you tried to find your identity other than in Christ? What has been the result?

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This Week’s Battle Drill Devotionals

Why it is Important to Know Your Identity in Christ FAQ

What is the lesson about our identity in Christ?

In Ephesians 1, Paul says our identity in Christ was given even before God made the world. He has adopted us into his family; we are co-heirs with his Son, Jesus Christ. Therefore, our identity is not in what we do or who we are, but in who we are in Christ. We are united with Christ, we are loved and chosen by God, we are holy and without fault in his eyes, we are free, and our sins are forgiven. That’s much more about who God is, than who we are!

What does the Bible say about finding your identity in Christ?

In Ephesians 1, Paul tells us that we are identified as God’s own by God himself. Our identity is found in his Holy Spirit, who is our guarantee that God will give us the inheritance he has promised us as his adopted sons and daughters.

How can we maintain our identity in Christ?

In Ephesians 1, Paul prays that God will give us the spiritual wisdom and insight we need to grow in our knowledge of God and maintain our identity in Christ. It is God’s light that will shine on the confident hope we have in our identity in Christ as his holy people.

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