3 of the Latest and Best Leadership Articles (30 September 2022)

best leadership articles


It’s hard to stay on top of the many leadership and productivity articles published each week. To help you become the best leader possible, here are three articles I found helpful this week:

7 Observed Traits of the Best Leaders by Ron Edmondson

“I’ve been blessed with good role models. And I have had some leaders who were not so good. Such as the guy who threw my sales book at me across the room. Or the one who criticised me for something literally every week. Looking back, though, the best leaders I ever had I observed some common traits in them. There were things, which set them apart from other leaders, helped them be successful, and caused me to take notice in them.”

How To Spot The 6 Greatest Culture-Killers Your Team Can Face by Scott Cochrane

“What you allow, you encourage. In leadership, this nugget of truth is especially true when it comes to the building of a healthy culture. When the leader allows fun, candour, initiative and diligence, those qualities will be encouraged to flourish. Similarly, when you allow Culture Killers like grumbling, selfishness and laziness, so too are you encouraging these to take root and grow.”

A Few Handfuls for Weary Little Listeners by Tim Challies

“Van Neste offers a few good reasons to speak to the children. I thought I’d complement this by offering a few examples. I’m no master and have had mixed success, but each of these examples seemed to go over well. The keys, I believe, are to 1) clearly let the children know you are speaking to them, 2) to provide a vivid example followed by a simple application, and 3) to not try to accomplish too much in a single illustration. I try to aim the illustrations at children between 8 and 12. Of course it’s fun to watch everyone, from the youngest to oldest, perk up and listen intently when I speak specifically to the kids.”

Thanks for reading with me. If you discovered an enlightening, must-read leadership or productivity link recently, drop me a line and share!

Photo by Sergey Zolkin on Unsplash

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