Three Must-Read Articles by Popular Christian Leadership Authors

Popular Christian Leadership Authors


Explore insights from Popular Christian Leadership Authors in our top three must-read articles of the week.


As Christian leaders, we are constantly seeking wisdom and guidance to better serve our communities and fulfil our calling. One of the most effective ways to gain insights and inspiration is by reading articles written by experienced and respected leaders in the Christian community. In this article, we will introduce you to three exceptional articles by popular Christian leadership authors that we highly recommend. These articles provide valuable perspectives on various aspects of leadership and will undoubtedly enrich your journey as a Christian leader.

1. “8 Things I’ve Never Heard from My Pastoral Heroes” by Chuck Lawless

Chuck Lawless, a renowned Christian leadership author, shares his thoughts on the often-unspoken realities of pastoral ministry in his article, “8 Things I’ve Never Heard from My Pastoral Heroes.” In this thought-provoking piece, Lawless challenges the common misconceptions surrounding pastoral heroes and sheds light on the less-discussed aspects of their lives.

Lawless emphasises the importance of acknowledging the struggles, doubts, and failures that pastors face, and provides practical advice on how to navigate these challenges. By reading this article, Christian leaders will gain a deeper understanding of the realities of pastoral ministry and find encouragement in knowing that they are not alone in their experiences.

Read the full article here.

2. “I Don’t Want Churches To Be Small; I Want Small Churches To Be Great” by Karl Vaters

In his article, “I Don’t Want Churches To Be Small; I Want Small Churches To Be Great,” Karl Vaters, a respected voice in Christian leadership, challenges the prevailing notion that bigger is always better when it comes to churches. Vaters argues that small churches have unique strengths and can make a significant impact in their communities.

Through personal anecdotes and insightful observations, Vaters provides practical strategies for small churches to thrive and fulfil their God-given purpose. He emphasises the importance of focusing on quality over quantity and encourages Christian leaders to embrace the potential of small churches. This article is a must-read for those seeking to lead and nurture smaller congregations with excellence.

Read the full article here.

3. “5 Attitudes that Simplify Complicated Relationships” by Brandon Cox

Brandon Cox, a popular Christian leadership author, explores the complexities of relationships in his article, “5 Attitudes that Simplify Complicated Relationships.” Cox shares valuable insights on how to navigate the challenges that often arise in our interactions with others, both personally and professionally.

By highlighting five key attitudes, Cox provides practical guidance on how to foster healthier and more meaningful relationships. He emphasises the importance of forgiveness, empathy, and communication in simplifying complicated relationships. Christian leaders will find this article particularly valuable as they seek to build strong and harmonious connections within their churches and communities.

Read the full article here.


Reading articles by popular Christian leadership authors is an excellent way for Christian leaders to gain valuable insights and guidance. The three articles highlighted in this post by Chuck Lawless, Karl Vaters, and Brandon Cox offer unique perspectives on pastoral ministry, the value of small churches, and fostering healthy relationships.

By delving into these articles, Christian leaders will find encouragement, practical advice, and a renewed sense of purpose in their leadership roles. Take the time to read these exceptional articles and allow them to inspire and equip you as you continue to serve and lead in your Christian community.

Key Takeaways

  • Diving into the insights of popular Christian leadership authors can offer significant leadership lessons. This week, three such articles stood out and their key findings are worth a mention.
  • The shared wisdom from popular Christian leadership authors makes it clear that effective leadership comes from a place of faith and humility. These articles I’m discussing are proof of that viewpoint.
  • The articles from these popular Christian leadership authors not only offer leadership guidance but remind us of our spiritual responsibilities too. It’s a unique combination of growth-oriented leadership with a spiritual conscience. 
  • Learning from popular Christian leadership authors means we’re gaining knowledge from those who have walked the path before us and are enlightening others with their wisdom, as demonstrated in the three articles I’ll be highlighting.
  • It’s evident from these articles by popular Christian leadership authors that spiritual leadership transcends the mundane leadership principles. It’s intertwined with moral duties and spiritual obligations making it more profound and influential in impacting lives positively.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

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