Embrace a Joyful Life: Understanding why Forgiveness is the Key to Happiness

Navigate the path where forgiveness is the key to happiness. Cultivate a forgiving heart.

forgiveness is the key to happiness
Battle Drill Devotional
Embrace a Joyful Life: Understanding why Forgiveness is the Key to Happiness


Navigate the path where forgiveness is the key to happiness. Cultivate a forgiving heart.

Forgiveness is the Key to Happiness: Introduction

How do you respond to someone who hurts you? Are you angry? Resentful? Bitter? Do you cut them off and never speak to them again? Or are you compassionate and forgiving?

Forgiveness is the Key to Happiness: Someone in Your Life Needs It

Someone is going to need you to show mercy to them at some point – because we all treat people wrongly on occasions, and we are all wronged too. How you respond to them is an indication of how much you have grown like Christ, and it affects your happiness.

Forgiveness is the Key to Happiness: Anger, Resentment and Bitterness Are Not

Angry, resentful and bitter people are not happy! But those who choose to show compassion, forgiveness and mercy receive the compassion and forgiveness and mercy of God and they are made happy.

Forgiveness is the Key to Happiness Because God Forgives Us

No matter how people treat you, as God’s family member, he will show you mercy, both in this life and when he returns.

Reflection Question:

  • What keeps you from forgiving someone who has hurt you? Does holding on to that hurt make you happy?

This Week on Battle Drill Devotionals

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Photo by Aditya Saxena on Unsplash

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