God’s Victory Over Sin and Death

#GodWonTheVictory #VictoryOverSin #HeavenlyReality #Triumph #HopeJoin us as we delve into Revelation 7:9-12 and witness the heavenly reality of God's triumph over sin and death. Discover the hope and celebration that awaits as we explore the glorious scene of worship in the face of eternal life. Don't miss out on this divine revelation!

god won the victory
Battle Drill Devotional
Battle Drill Devotional
God's Victory Over Sin and Death


Discover the victorious scene in heaven described in Revelation 7:9-12. Learn how God won the victory over sin and death and brings hope and assurance of eternal life. Find comfort in knowing that Jesus protects and empowers us to overcome challenges. Reflect on the promise of heavenly joy and how it can impact your perspective and response to suffering. Trust in God’s victory and find strength in his presence.


In Revelation 7:9-12, we are given a glimpse of the glorious scene in heaven. It is a picture of triumph, celebration, and worship. This passage reminds us that because God won the victory over sin and death, those who follow his Son Jesus are rescued from harm.

God Won the Victory

The scene in Revelation 7:9-12 reveals a multitude of people from every nation, tribe, and language, standing before the throne and the Lamb. They are clothed in white robes and holding palm branches, symbolising victory and joy. This diverse assembly is united in their worship of God, proclaiming his salvation and glory.

Rescued from Harm

Through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, God has rescued us from the power of sin and eternal separation from him. As followers of Jesus, we are no longer slaves to sin but have been set free to live in righteousness. This victory over sin and death brings us peace and assurance of eternal life.

Times of Suffering

While we may experience times of suffering and hardship in this world, we can take comfort in knowing that Jesus protects us and walks with us through every trial. Just as he conquered sin and death, he empowers us to overcome the challenges we face. Our faith in him enables us to endure and find hope in the midst of difficulties.

Heavenly Reality

Revelation 7:9-12 reminds us that our present reality is not the ultimate reality. One day, we will find ourselves in the true reality of heaven, where we will worship and serve God night and day with great joy. In his presence, all suffering and pain will be no more, and we will experience abundant and exuberant joy forever.


God’s victory over sin and death is a cause for celebration and hope. Through Jesus, we are rescued from harm and empowered to overcome the trials of this world. Let us fix our eyes on the heavenly reality that awaits us, where we will worship and serve God with abundant joy. Trust in God’s victory and find comfort in his presence.

As we navigate through the challenges of life, let us remember that God has already won the victory. Despite the trials we may face, we can find hope and strength in Jesus.

Reflection Question

How can the assurance of eternal life and the promise of heavenly joy impact your perspective and response to suffering?

Battle Drill Daily Devotional Podcast This Week

This week on the Battle Drill Daily Devotional podcast, we ask ourselves if anyone will be in heaven because of us? Each weekday we share hope and encouragement as we read and study the Bible together.

There’s a new episode of Battle Drill Devotional every Monday through Friday.

Click on the link – https://linktr.ee/battlefieldresources – to listen, watch or subscribe to this podcast.

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