Is heaven real? Jesus says it is and he wants each one of us to become a part of his family and live with him for eternity.
Table of contents
Is heaven real? Jesus says it is. He describes the Kingdom of Heaven in many different ways. But in the passage we are looking at this week, he uses three tangible similes to help us.
Is Heaven Real? As real as a tree!
Jesus speaks of the Kingdom of Heaven as being like a mustard seed that grows into a tree. Trees are real and so is heaven. One day, you and I are going to die. We were not made to live on Earth forever. Like the birds that come and make nests in the branches of the mustard tree, if we have accepted Christ, one day we will go to live in heaven, with God, for eternity.
Is Heaven Real? As real as a treasure or valuable pearl
Jesus also speaks of the Kingdom of Heaven like a treasure hidden in a field or a pearl of great value. Treasures and pearls are real too. If we found one like the people in Jesus’ stories, we too would sell all we had to obtain them. Heaven is also real, and requires us to make the same real choice. Will we give up all we have to accept Christ and accept that heaven is real?
The Invitation is for You
Is heaven real? Jesus says it is and he wants each one of us to become a part of his family and live with him for eternity. The invitation is yours. Have you accepted it yet?
Think It Over
Think through the following:
- Are you confident that heaven is real? Why or why not?
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This Week’s Battle Drill Devotionals
- Monday 31 July – What Does Heaven Look Like?
- Tuesday 1 August – Is Heaven Real?
- Wednesday 2 August – What If You Wanted to Go to Heaven?
- Thursday 3 August – How Beautiful Heaven Must Be!
- Friday 4 August – What If Heaven is Cheering You On?
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