Deepen your journey with our faith in action devotional podcast episode, a path towards Jesus.
Table of Contents
Many of us, as Salvationists, believe we are justified with God through grace and faith alone, that there is nothing we can do to earn God’s love and favour. But we also know that James writes that faith without deeds is dead. So, today we explore the powerful concept of real faith in action. Our inspiration comes from Matthew 9:27-38, a passage that teaches us about the unwavering belief in Jesus and the incredible things that can happen when we reach out to him.
In this passage, we encounter two blind men who desperately seek Jesus’ healing touch. Despite the obstacles, they persist in their pursuit, shouting, ‘Son of David, have mercy on us!’ Their faith is tangible, and Jesus responds by restoring their sight.
Jesus Shows Us Faith in Action
But the story doesn’t end there. Jesus continues his ministry, healing the sick, raising the dead, and proclaiming the good news of the kingdom. His heart is moved with compassion as he sees the crowds, recognising their spiritual need. He urges his disciples to pray for more labourers to join in the harvest.
This passage reminds us that real faith in action believes that Jesus can meet our needs, no matter how impossible they may seem. It is a faith that perseveres through adversity, refusing to be deterred by doubt or discouragement. It is a faith that reaches out to Jesus with unwavering confidence, knowing that he is the source of all healing and restoration.
What About Our Own Faith in Action?
Today, let us reflect on our own faith in action. Are we willing to believe that Jesus can meet our needs, even when circumstances seem bleak? Are we willing to reach out to him, trusting that nothing and no-one will stop us from seeking his help?
Reflection Question:
How can you demonstrate your unwavering faith in Jesus today?
Photo by Pedro Lima on Unsplash
Battle Drill Daily Devotional Podcast This Week
This week on the Battle Drill Daily Devotional Podcast, we reflect on Jesus’ compassion and willingness to be interrupted by those in need. As his followers, we are called to do the same. Each weekday we share hope and encouragement as we read and study the Bible together.
- Monday 20 November – Why Won’t God Answer My Prayer? A Deep Dive on Building Faith through Delayed Answers
- Tuesday 21 November – Experiencing True Commitment: Faith in Action through Belief in Jesus
- Wednesday 22 November – Like Sheep Without a Shepherd: Unveiling the Compassionate Heart of Jesus
- Thursday 23 November – Ripe for Harvest: Discovering Jesus’s Love in Every Crop
- Friday 24 November – Choose to Follow Jesus: Sacrifice, Service and the Path to Peace
There’s a new episode of Battle Drill Devotional every Monday through Friday.
Click on the link – https://linktr.ee/battlefieldresources – to listen, watch or subscribe to this podcast.
Related Links
- Seeing Others Through the Eyes of Jesus: Discerning Compassion in Everyday Life
- From Heartache to Healing: How to Release Grief and Embrace Happiness
- Experience the Bounty of an Abundant Harvest
- Life-Changing Friendship with Jesus: “They Had Been With Jesus”
- Enhance Your Prayers in Times of Crisis: How to Pray and Listen to God’s Voice
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