Jesus is Our Saviour: The Fulfilment of God’s Greatest Promise

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Jesus is our Saviour: Dive into our enlightening Christmas Eve message revealing God’s fulfilled promise.


As we gather together on this joyous Christmas Eve, we are reminded of the incredible story of Jesus’s birth and the significance it holds for each and every one of us. I have been reflecting on the passage from Luke 1:26-38, which reveals Jesus as the Anointed One, the Saviour, the Christ, and the embodiment of God’s promise of redemption.

Jesus is Our Saviour

In this passage, we witness the angel Gabriel visiting Mary, a young woman chosen by God to bear his Son. Gabriel proclaims to Mary that she will conceive and give birth to a son, who will be called Jesus. This name holds great meaning, as it signifies that he will save his people from their sins.

Jesus’s role as the Saviour of the world is not a new concept but rather the fulfilment of a longstanding hope that Israel had about the way God would restore the world to its proper intent and place. Throughout the Old Testament, we see glimpses of this promise, from the first mention of a Redeemer in Genesis to the prophecies of Isaiah, Jeremiah, and many others.

God’s Amazing Plan of Redemption

From the moment sin entered the world through Adam and Eve, God had a plan in motion to redeem humanity. Jesus’s birth marks the culmination of this plan, the moment when God’s promise is fully realised. He is the long-awaited Anointed One, the Messiah, who brings salvation and reconciliation to all who believe in him.

Jesus’s status as “the Christ” is essential to our ability to see that God is a promise-keeping God. Through him, we witness the faithfulness of God in fulfilling his greatest promise. Every prophecy, every divine intervention, and every miracle leading up to Jesus’s birth points to the fact that God keeps his word.

The Significance of Christmas

As we celebrate Christmas, let us not lose sight of the profound significance of Jesus’s birth. He is not just a baby in a manger; he is the embodiment of God’s love and grace, the fulfilment of centuries of anticipation and longing. Through his life, death, and resurrection, Jesus offers us redemption and eternal life.

Today, we can experience the hope and joy that comes from knowing Jesus as our Saviour. He offers forgiveness for our sins, healing for our brokenness, and a restored relationship with God. In him, we find true meaning and purpose.

Experience the Transformative Power of God’s Love

So, as we gather together in worship and celebration, let us reflect on the incredible gift of Jesus, the Saviour of the world. Let us remember that his birth is not just a historical event but a personal invitation to experience the transformative power of God’s love in our lives.

May this Christmas be a time of renewed faith, hope, and gratitude for the gift of Jesus. Let us embrace his promise of redemption and share the good news with others, so that they too may come to know him as their Saviour.

Wishing you all a blessed and joyous Christmas!

Battle Drill Daily Devotional Podcast This Week

This week on the Battle Drill Daily Devotional Podcast, as we celebrate Christmas, we focus on Jesus, our Saviour, the One who brings love, peace, and grace to each one of us. Each weekday we share hope and encouragement as we read and study the Bible together.

There’s a new episode of Battle Drill Devotional every Monday through Friday.

Click on the link – – to listen, watch or subscribe to this podcast.

Photo by Malek Boukhris on Unsplash

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the profound meaning behind the phrase ‘Jesus is our Saviour’?

A: The phrase ‘Jesus is our Saviour’ signifies the Christian belief that through his death and resurrection, Jesus Christ saved humanity from sin and eternal separation from God. This blog post explores this theme in detail.

Q: Could you explain the relevance of the ‘fulfilment of God’s greatest promise’ in the context of Christmas?

A: Absolutely. The ‘fulfilment of God’s greatest promise’ refers to the birth of Jesus Christ, who in Christian theology is God incarnate. It denotes that God has delivered on his prophetic promise to send a Saviour, Jesus, for humanity.

Q: Why does the blog focus on ‘Jesus is our Saviour’ during Christmas Eve?

A: The blog highlights ‘Jesus is our Saviour’ specifically on Christmas Eve as it commemorates the eve of the birth of Jesus Christ. This night symbolises the advent of our Saviour into the world, making the phrase significant in context.

Q: Can I find pastoral insights regarding the message ‘Jesus is our Saviour’ in the blog?

A: Yes, the blog titled ‘Jesus is Our Saviour: The Fulfilment of God’s Greatest Promise’ provides pastoral insights into the powerful message that ‘Jesus is our Saviour’. It elaborates on the subject to deepen readers’ understanding of Christ’s role in salvation.

Q: Do you have any content regarding the application of the message ‘Jesus is our Saviour’ in our daily lives?

A: The blog not only discusses the theological aspect of ‘Jesus is our Saviour’ but also provides practical suggestions on how one can apply the teachings of Jesus in everyday life. It encourages readers to incorporate these values, mirroring the love and grace Jesus demonstrated.

Q: Does the blog post uncover the relevance of the promise and fulfilment theme in other biblical passages?

A: Yes, our blog post analyses the theme of promise and fulfilment, evident in various biblical narratives, with a key focus on ‘Jesus is our Saviour’. It offers an in-depth exploration, revealing the sustained relevance of this theme throughout the Bible.

Q: Does the blog post discuss the historical context of ‘Jesus is our Saviour’?

A: Indeed, the blog post goes into the historical context of the statement ‘Jesus is our Saviour’, considering its significance at the time of Jesus Christ and its evolution over centuries. It aims to bridge the gap between history and contemporary understanding.

Q: How are readers encouraged to interact with the theme ‘Jesus is our Saviour’?

A: The blog actively encourages participation from readers to share their experiences, thoughts, and reflections on the theme ‘Jesus is our Saviour’. This interaction fosters a meaningful engagement with the key message of the blog post.

Q: Where can I find more articles related to ‘Jesus is our Saviour’?

A: Our blog offers a rich collection of articles related to ‘Jesus is our Saviour’. You can browse through our categories or use the search bar on our website to find a plethora of related articles.

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