Preparing for a Church Business Meeting

church business meeting


Learn how to prepare for a successful church business meeting. This is the second in our series on effective church meetings. This comprehensive guide covers key steps such as discussing major issues with key leaders, soliciting agenda items from church leaders and members, creating a well-structured agenda, encouraging active participation, and following up on decisions made. By following these steps, you can navigate church business meetings with confidence and achieve meaningful outcomes that reflect the needs and aspirations of your congregation.

Introduction: Preparing for a Church Business Meeting

Church business meetings play a crucial role in the decision-making process and the overall functioning of a church community. It is essential to approach these meetings with careful planning and preparation to ensure that they are productive, inclusive, and reflect the needs and aspirations of the congregation. In this article, we will explore one of the key steps to help you prepare for a successful church business meeting.

Discuss Major Issues with Key Leaders

Prior to the church business meeting, it is vital to engage in open and transparent communication with your key leaders. This includes discussing major or potentially controversial issues that may arise during the meeting. By having these discussions beforehand, you give yourself and your leaders time to reflect on the issues and any feedback received. This reflection allows for a more thoughtful and informed decision-making process during the meeting. Additionally, if any adjustments or changes are necessary, they can be made prior to the meeting, ensuring a smoother and more efficient process.

Solicit Agenda Items from Church Leaders and Members

Another important step in preparing for a church business meeting is to actively seek agenda items from your church leaders and, where appropriate, your church members. By involving them in the agenda-setting process, you foster a sense of ownership and inclusivity. This approach also helps to avoid the common pitfall of lengthy “Any Other Business” discussions that can derail the meeting’s focus and consume valuable time. By proactively seeking agenda items from the community, you ensure that the meeting addresses the most pressing concerns and priorities of the congregation.


Preparing for a church business meeting requires thoughtful planning, open communication, and active participation. By discussing major issues with key leaders beforehand and soliciting agenda items from church leaders and members, you set the stage for a productive and inclusive meeting. By following these steps, you can navigate church business meetings with confidence and achieve meaningful outcomes that reflect the needs and aspirations of your congregation.


What is the purpose of a church business meeting?

A church business meeting serves as a platform for discussing and making decisions on various administrative matters related to the church’s operations and ministries.

How often are church business meetings typically held?

Church business meetings are typically held on a regular basis, with the frequency varying depending on the individual church’s needs and schedule. It is common for churches to hold these meetings quarterly or annually.

Who can attend a church business meeting?

Church business meetings are usually open to all members of the church. However, certain decisions may be limited to specific leadership or committee members, depending on the nature of the topic being discussed.

How can I prepare for a church business meeting?

To prepare for a church business meeting, it is advisable to review any provided agenda or relevant documents beforehand. Familiarise yourself with the topics up for discussion and consider any potential questions or suggestions you may have.

What is the role of the chairperson in a church business meeting?

The chairperson in a church business meeting is responsible for leading the proceedings, ensuring that all topics are discussed, and maintaining order. They facilitate open dialogue, encourage participation, and ultimately help guide the decision-making process.

Can decisions made during a church business meeting be changed?

While decisions made during a church business meeting are generally binding, there may be circumstances where changes are required. This can be done through subsequent meetings or by following any established processes for revisiting or amending decisions.

How can I actively participate in a church business meeting?

Active participation in a church business meeting involves engaging in discussions, offering insights, asking relevant questions, and expressing your opinions. Respectful collaboration with other attendees helps contribute to efficient decision-making processes.

What are some common topics discussed in church business meetings?

Church business meetings often cover various administrative matters, such as budget approvals, ministry updates, building maintenance, event planning, and personnel matters. The specific topics will depend on the church’s priorities and needs.

Are minutes taken during church business meetings?

Yes, it is customary for minutes to be taken during church business meetings. These minutes serve as a record of the discussions, decisions, and action items from the meeting and are usually made available to the attendees.

How can I stay informed about the outcomes of a church business meeting?

After a church business meeting, outcomes and decisions are typically communicated through various channels such as church newsletters, bulletin announcements, or dedicated communication platforms. This ensures that all members of the church are informed of the meeting’s results.

Photo by Dylan Gillis on Unsplash

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