Discovering Peace in our Christmas Stress

christmas stress


Moment by moment, we can choose to trust in God, knowing that then, all will be well.

Has Christmas stressed you out yet?

So, are you stressed yet? Our carolling programme has kicked off. Workplaces, schools and colleges have extra Christmas activities. There’s all the preparation that needs doing for Christmas: present buying, wrapping and sending, Christmas card writing, food to purchase and much else. Christmas can often seem divorced from the “peace on earth” we were promised!

God continues to offer peace

But God continues to offer that peace. Moment by moment, we can choose to trust in God, knowing that then, all will be well. God wants to save us from ourselves. He wants to save us from our need to do and to achieve and to help us to focus on becoming more like his Son, Jesus

Advent is a time when we remember Jesus first coming to earth, and eagerly await his return. This week in Battle Drill devotionals, we reflect on whether we are ready for Christ’s coming or if anything is keeping us from being at peace with God. There’s a new episode of Battle Drill Devotional every Monday through Friday.

You can listen to an audio of these devotionals every week. Head to for more details and to subscribe to the podcast wherever you get your podcasts or you can catch up with us on the Battlefield Resources Facebook page – Like the page and get a notification when a new episode drops or sign up to be sent an email –

Photo by Robert Thiemann on Unsplash

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