3 of the Latest and Best Leadership Articles (7 April 2023)

best leadership articles


It’s hard to stay on top of the many leadership and productivity articles published each week. To help you become the best leader possible, here are three articles I found helpful this week:

How to Alleviate Leadership Anxiety With the Power of Perspective by Scott Cochrane

“One of the most important functions of effective leadership is to master the power of perspective. Leaders require the ability to look at problems and determine their relative size and importance. “Is this a big problem, or a little problem?” “Of all of the problems facing our team, which is the most important, and which is the least?” One piece of leadership counsel I learned from a mentor years ago has helped me immensely in making these determinations.”

3 Ways to Bring Your Best Self by Dan Rockwell

“Know yourself to bring your best self: Notice what energises you. Appreciate your greatest contribution to others. Know your core values by heart. You’re less than your best when you lose yourself to people pleasing.”

8 Scriptural Personal Accountability Questions to Ask this Week by Chuck Lawless

“Following God requires us to look in the mirror of God’s Word. That process can be what I call “joyously painful” – painful because we see ourselves as we really are, but joyous because there’s great relief when we turn to God and find Him gracious. So, here are some questions to ask in the mirror this week.”

Thanks for reading with me. If you discovered an enlightening, must-read leadership or productivity article recently, drop me a line and share!

Photo by Sergey Zolkin on Unsplash

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