Finding a Christian Work Life Balance

christian work life balance - work life balance from a christian perspective


Involving God in our work helps us find his intended rhythm for our work and for our rest. It is essential in finding a Christian work-life balance. So what does work-life balance from a Christian perspective look like?

The Quest for Work-Life Balance

In the world of work there is much talk about work-life balance. Many people are stressed, overworked and spending less time with their family and friends. The COVID-19 lockdowns gave some the opportunity to re-evaluate their work-life balance and their attitude to work. Now we speak of “The Great Reset” where many people have not returned to work, or perhaps taken on less well-paid but less stressful positions. This has huge implications for our economy and the way of life to which we have been used.

The Christian Attitude to Work

What is the Christian’s attitude to work? What does work-life balance from a Christian perspective look like? How do we find a Christian work-life balance? God calls each of us to work. We can work for God whatever we do, if we do it to honour him and to help others. Giving God control of our work brings it greater meaning. And when we place our worth in God rather than our work, we can find that seemingly elusive work-life balance.Work is a fundamental foundation of human life. But often we separate God from our work and our work becomes disordered. This week in our Battle Drill devotionals, we explore ways to find God’s intended rhythm in our work and rest.

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Photo by Hunters Race on Unsplash

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