3 of the Latest and Best Leadership Articles (9 September 2022)

best leadership articles


It’s hard to stay on top of the many leadership and productivity articles published each week. To help you become the best leader possible, here are three articles I found helpful this week:

You Can Lead by Fear or Lead by Love by Brandon A. Cox

“When we lead by fear, we have an insatiable need to be in control. Our anxiety goes up when we’re not able to predict outcomes. Rather than trusting that people will make wise decisions, we take away their freedom and dictate their direction for them.

“Leadership that is motivated by love seeks to elevate, empower, and allow freedom for other people to grow, even if it means they outgrow our own leadership.”

It’s 2032. Here’s What’s Left of the Church. by Carey Nieuwhof

“So, with some apprehension, and hopefully a spirit of humility, and the willingness to be corrected a decade from now when we really see what happened, here are seven things that might indeed happen to the church by 2032.”

How To Increase Your Effectiveness By Avoiding Distracted Leadership by Scott Cochrane

“Effective leadership requires clarity of thought.

“To make the timely decision, to accurately assess a complex situation, or to quickly respond to a team dysfunction, the leader must be fully dialled in and singularly focused on the issue at hand.

to lead at your very best.

“As a starting place, here are three ways you can immediately improve your ability to be a distraction-free leader.”

Thanks for reading with me. If you discovered an enlightening, must-read leadership or productivity link recently, drop me a line and share!

Photo by Sergey Zolkin on Unsplash

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