What If You Wanted to Go to Heaven?

What if you wanted to go to heaven? Jesus says, it's your choice! Hope is not enough. It's a choice you get to make.

what if you wanted to go to heaven
Battle Drill Devotional
What If You Wanted to Go to Heaven?


What if you wanted to go to heaven? Jesus says, it’s your choice! Hope is not enough. It’s a choice you get to make.


What if you wanted to go to heaven? Jesus says, it’s your choice!

Many people hope they will get to heaven. Or at least, they hope they don’t spend eternity in hell! But hope is not enough. It’s a choice you get to make.

What If You Wanted to Go to Heaven? What Does Jesus Say?

In explaining the Kingdom of Heaven, Jesus says it’s like a treasure hidden in a field or a pearl of great value. If you were to find one of those, you would have a choice to make. Are you willing to sell up everything you have for that hidden treasure or that choice pearl? If you are not, then the opportunity will pass you buy. But if you are willing to give up everything to buy them, then you will have something more valuable than you could ever have imagined!

The same is true with heaven. You have a choice to make. You can carry on living life as you want to live it, and miss out on the greatest gift you can imagine. Or you can choose to get right with God through Jesus Christ and spend eternity in heaven with him.

Accept the Gift of Eternal Life

What if you wanted to go to heaven? All you have to do is allow God to repair your separation from him, live in obedience to him as you become more like his Son, Jesus Christ, and accept his gift of eternal life.

Think It Over

Think through the following:

  • If the choice between heaven and hell is so clear, why do some people have a hard time choosing between them?

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This Week’s Battle Drill Devotionals

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