What does God say about investing? Discover his economy and multiplying your efforts beyond measure. Learn how to be a faithful steward and sow generously.
Table of Contents
As believers, God calls us to be good stewards of the resources entrusted to us. This includes not only our money, but also our time, talents, and even our very hearts. In 2 Corinthians 9:6-10, Paul talks about how what we give to God, we will receive back from him.
What Does God Say About Investing? You Reap What You Sow
Paul believes that the amount you sow directly affects the amount you will receive. If you sow a small amount, you will only receive a small amount in return. However, if you sow a large amount, you can expect to receive a larger amount in return.
This verse highlights the importance of our investment in God’s Kingdom. When we invest our resources in his work, whether it be through financial giving, serving others, or using our gifts and abilities for his glory, God promises to multiply our efforts beyond measure.
God’s Economy is not like the World’s Economy
God’s economy is not like the world’s economy. In the world, we often measure success by how much we accumulate for ourselves. But in God’s economy, we find true success by investing in others and in his Kingdom. When we invest in God’s economy, he multiplies our efforts in ways that we cannot even fathom.
Paul believes that God has the ability to bless you with an abundance of everything you need. This will enable you to consistently do good things (2 Corinthians 9:8).
What Does God Say About Investing? His Interest Rates are High!
When we invest what God has given us in his work, he promises to provide us with even more to give in his service. His interest rates always ensure a high rate of return!
Important to note is that our investment in God’s economy is not a transactional relationship. We don’t invest in order to receive something in return. We invest because we love and obey God. We believe that he will provide for us and bless us in ways that exceed our expectations.
What Does God Say About Investing? Some Practical Suggestions
So, how can we practically invest in God’s economy? A surrendered heart to him is where it starts.
We can invest our time by spending it in prayer, studying his Word, and serving others. We can use our talents to help the church and spread Jesus’ love to others. And yes, we can also invest our finances by giving generously to support the work of the church and meet the needs of others.
When we invest in God’s economy and the Kingdom of God, our investments will not be in vain. God is faithful to multiply our efforts and provide for us abundantly. So, let us be faithful stewards of all that he has given us and invest wholeheartedly in his work. The returns will be far greater than we could ever imagine.
Reflection Question
In what ways can you invest your resources in God’s economy today? How can you sow generously and trust God to multiply your efforts beyond measure?
Battle Drill Daily Devotional Podcast This Week
This week on the Battle Drill Daily Devotional Podcast, we focus on Paul’s encouragement to give generously. Each weekday we share hope and encouragement as we read and study the Bible together.
- Monday 5 February – Christian Giving: Reflecting God’s Generosity
- Tuesday 6 February – Trusting God’s Generosity: Overcoming Financial Worries
- Wednesday 7 February – The Attitude of Giving to God
- Thursday 8 February – Investing in God’s Economy: Multiplying Beyond Measure
- Friday 9 February – The Purpose of Christian Giving: Bringing Thanksgiving to God
There’s a new episode of Battle Drill Devotional every Monday through Friday.
Click on the link – https://linktr.ee/battlefieldresources – to listen, watch or subscribe to this podcast.
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