Facing Your Failures

There are times when we must admit we have wandered far from God and his purposes for our lives. When we let go of our pride, our stubbornness, and our fear, God moves in with his grace.

facing failure
Battle Drill Devotional
Facing Your Failures

Facing failure? This week in Battle Drill devotionals, we focus on confession. It’s tough to admit our sins and entrust ourselves to God’s grace, but it is essential for our holiness and spiritual growth. Each weekday we share hope and encouragement as we read and study the Bible together.

Table of contents

Facing Failure Isn’t Easy

Do you find it easy to face your failures? I know I don’t!

But sometimes, you reach a point in your life when you realise it’s not working. Life doesn’t have to be with this way. This is the point Nehemiah and the people of God had reached. Having been exiled from Jerusalem many years before and having returned to rebuild its walls, they realised just how far from God they had wandered.

Facing failure, they confessed their sin and entrusted themselves to God’s grace. They were determined to put God back front and centre in their lives. They reminded themselves what he had done throughout their history and trusted that God’s unfailing covenant of love would mean he would save them once more.

There are times when we too must admit we have wandered far from God and his purposes for our lives. We face our failures with him. When we let go of our pride, our stubbornness and our fear, facing failure, God moves in with his grace. Great is his faithfulness!

Think It Over

Think about the following:

•        Do you struggle to confess your sins to God? Why?

There’s a new episode of Battle Drill Devotional every Monday through Friday.

Click on the link – https://linktr.ee/battlefieldresources – to listen, watch or subscribe to this podcast.

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