Putting First Things First

putting first things first


Jesus tells his followers they have two priorities to put first in life: Love God and Love Others. That’s it!

What can we learn from a jar, some rocks and some sand?

A teacher once held a large glass jar up to his pupils and then showed them a number of large rocks and a box of sand. He asked them if they thought he could get all of the rocks and all of the sand into the glass jar. They weren’t sure, so he began pouring the sand from the box into the jar. It was around three quarters full. Then he began to place the large rocks in the jar, on top of the sand. But halfway through, he ran out of space. So he took the rocks out of the jar and poured the sand back into the box. This time, he placed the large rocks in the glass jar first, until they were all in. Then he began pouring the sand from the box into the jar. As the sand slid between the rocks and filled all the gaps between them, he finally managed to get all of the rocks and all of the sand into the jar.

The experiment is a lesson for us all: put first things first. The large rocks are your most important priorities. Everything else fits around them. If you focus on the unimportant and unnecessary things first, you finally find you don’t have room to put what’s most important first.

Jesus says, Put first things first

When Jesus was asked what our priorities should be as his followers, he replied with just two large rocks:

Jesus replied, “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’”

Matthew 22:37-39 (NLT)

Love God, love others. That’s it. Our two largest rocks. Everything else in our lives – money, relationships, hobbies, work, etc. – is built around these two. And church-wise – how we organise ourselves, what music we have in our worship, where we sit, even what we wear – takes its place behind loving God and loving others.

Going deeper with “Which is the most important commandment?”

This week in our Battle Drill devotionals, we go right to the heart of Christian living, to these two large rocks, as we go deeper with how Jesus answers the question, “Which is the most important commandment?” There’s a new episode of Battle Drill Devotional every Monday through Friday.

You can head to https://battledrilldevotional.podbean.comfor more details and to subscribe to the audio podcast wherever you get your podcasts or you can catch up with us on the Battlefield Resources Facebook page – https://www.facebook.com/battlefieldresources. Like the page and get a notification when a new episode drops or sign up to be sent an email – http://eepurl.com/h2FPND.

Photo by Forsaken Fotos on Flickr Creative Commons.

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