Things That Make People Happy: Insights From Matthew 5 in the Bible

things that make people happy


Dive into things that make people happy according to Matthew 5 as taught by Jesus. Your guide to joy and faith.

Things That Make People Happy – Introduction

In our daily pursuits, we inherently seek “things that make people happy”. However, human notions of happiness often focus on transitory pleasures, leaving us stranded in a perpetual search. The truly satisifying happiness we seek is deeply rooted in the teachings of Jesus, where he emphasises the substance of profound happiness.

The “Unusual” Things That Make People Happy in Matthew 5

Reflecting on Matthew 5 from an earthly point of view, the focus on “things that make people happy” may initially seem unusual. Yet, as we delve deeper into what Jesus is saying, it transpires that this sermon outlines a blueprint for lasting happiness. Jesus offers an alternative viewpoint challenging common reflections of happiness. He encourages us instead to seek riches in moral strength, compassion, peace, and righteousness.

Things That Make People Happy – From Fleeting Happiness to Enduring Joy

The Beatitudes of Matthew 5 are indeed messages of encouragement and reassurance, promising a rewarding life here on earth and in the kingdom of heaven. From a superficial glance, they might not seem like direct expressions of “things that make people happy”. However, analysed thoroughly, they encourage us to move from fleeting moments of happiness to enduring joy.

In sum, Matthew 5 offers a radical and powerful perspective on what truly constitute the things that make people happy. Through humility, righteousness, mercy, peace and even tribulation, the Sermon on the Mount guides us towards an authentic and enduring form of happiness.


Focusing on the remarkable words shared in Matthew 5, we can truly embrace the things that make people happy and how these virtues correlate with our daily lives. Jesus emphasised the aspects of humility, mercy and peace, making it evident that these are some of the core things that make people happy. Understanding this helps to provide a deeper insight into how simple, yet profound actions can contribute to happiness, thereby instilling positivity and satisfaction within our lives.

By opening our hearts and minds to embrace these virtues, we can realise a fulfilling and content life filled with abundant joy and peace. At the end of the day, happiness is not something sought externally, but an inward feeling achieved through nurturing our behaviours and attitudes, as emphasised by Jesus in these pivotal teachings.

Key Takeaways

  • Reflecting on the ‘Sermon on the Mount’, Jesus outlines several key things that make people happy in Matthew 5. His wisdom provides not just spiritual but also practical advice for finding happiness.
  • One of the central things that make people happy according to Jesus’ teachings is ‘Blessed are the peacemakers’. This speaks to the lasting sense of fulfilment brought about by pursuing harmony and reconciliation, which is as relevant today as it was when first spoken.
  • Also in Matthew 5, embracing humility is presented as one of the high-ranking things that make people happy. ‘Blessed are the meek,’ he says, shedding light on the joy found in selflessness and modesty, a refreshing contrast to our often competitive, modern society.
  • Endurance amidst trials is highlighted as a critical aspect of things that make people happy in Jesus’s discourse. ‘Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,’ reflects the notion that facing adversity and maintaining an upright character can lead to profound personal contentment.
  • Matthew 5:8 identifies purity of heart as central to the things that make people happy. This alludes to the sheer happiness derived from living an authentic life, bound by honesty and integrity. Depth of character and a pure heart offer an unseen but deeply felt gladness.


This Week on Battle Drill Devotionals

This week on the Battle Drill Daily Devotionals podcast, we explore what it means to be truly happy. Often, the so-called Beatitudes at the beginning of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount are seen as the demands of the Kingdom. In other words, be poor in spirit, be mournful, be humble, and so on, and God will be pleased with you and allow you to enter his Kingdom. But the Beatitudes are more like words of grace. The word often translated as “Blessed” in this passage can be better translated as, “Oh, how happy.” Jesus is saying those who are made happy by God realise their need for him, are comforted by him and will inherit the earth, and so on. So this week we focus on what it looks like to be made happy by God. Each weekday we share hope and encouragement as we read and study the Bible together.

There’s a new episode of Battle Drill Devotional every Monday through Friday.

Click on the link – – to listen, watch or subscribe to this podcast.

  • 1. The Gospel of Matthew: Chapters 1-10 | Bible.org
  • 2. Things That Make You Happy | Psychology Today –
  • 3. What is Happiness: The Full Guide | Happify –
  • 4. The Secrets to Happiness: Six Ways to Feel Better About Yourself | Mental Health First Aid –
  • 5. The Sermon on the Mount: Bible Study and Commentary on Matthew 5-7 –
  • 6. What Does the Bible Say About Happiness | Crosswalk –
  • 7. Life Lessons from Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew –
  • 8. The Beatitude and Happiness in the Kingdom of Heaven | Earthlife –
  • 9. The Happiness Hypothesis | PositivePsychology.com
  • 10. Sermon on the Mount – Bible Story Verses & Meaning –

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