Our Awesome Mothering God’s Love

mothering god


Come with me now on an adventure into the world of our mothering God and discover how this relationship with our heavenly Father can change your life forever!


In the Bible, we see God depicted as a Father who loves His children and disciplines them when they wander from His ways. Jesus taught us to pray “Our Father” because he wants us to know that, at the core of our beings, we are children of God. Are you ready for a deeper understanding of God’s love?

God as Mother

You have a mother. You also have a father. God is both of these things to us, and more besides. He/She/Parent is the ultimate parent: one who loves us beyond measure, who cares for us in every way that parents do – and more!

God’s love is not just like ours – it’s greater (John 3:16). God doesn’t just love us; he saved us from our sin so that we could be with Him forever in Heaven (Romans 5:8).

Mothering God

God is our mothering God because he loves us. God cares for us, providing for our every need and protecting us from harm. He watches over you as a mother would watch over her child, keeping an eye on what’s happening in your life so that he can step in when there’s trouble or danger ahead.

God is also our mothering God because she provides food for us (think “manna”), clothing (think “fine linen”) and shelter (think “the shadow of his wings”).

Jesus taught us to pray “Our Father” because he wants us to know that, at the core of our beings, we are children of God

Jesus taught us to pray “Our Father” because he wants us to know that, at the core of our beings, we are children of God. And if you are a child of God, then you have a mothering God who loves you with all her heart.

God is our Mother and she loves each one of us deeply – as mothers do – and wants nothing but good things for her children.


As we look at the mothering love of God, it’s important to remember that He is not just a father who loves us like a mother. He is both, and His love for us is beyond comparison.

This week in Battle Drill devotionals, having celebrated Mothers’ Day in the UK, we consider the ways in which God is like a mother to us.

There’s a new episode of Battle Drill Devotional every Monday through Friday.

Click on the link – https://linktr.ee/battlefieldresources – to listen, watch or subscribe to this podcast.

Photo by Bonnie Kittle on Unsplash

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