The Thrill of Hope

thrill of hope


The season leading up to Christmas – Advent – is an opportunity to immerse ourselves in hope. We can wait in certain hope knowing that God will always fulfil his promises to us.

Where is there hope this Christmas?

You can be forgiven for thinking there is not much hope about at the moment. The war in Ukraine is devastating and makes us all feel insecure. We face an energy crisis and ever-increasing bills and a cost-of-living crisis too. Taxes are being increased and public spending cut. The world often seems dark and depressing.

Immersing ourselves in hope

But Advent gives us another opportunity to immerse ourselves in hope. To remind ourselves that God’s promises are sure. That he is for us, that he gets us and that he is always with us.

Jesus brings light into our dark world. He brings peace to our war and conflict. He brings vitality when we feel lethargic. And he brings rest when we are exhausted.

The thrill of hope in a weary world

Amidst all the world is throwing at us, and the inevitable busyness of the season for many of us, let’s use these next few weeks to get ready to welcome Jesus into our world once again.

J.S. Dwight writes of:

A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices,

For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn! 

Fall on your knees!
O hear the angel voices!
O night divine, O night, when Christ was born!

O night divine, O night, O night divine! 

J.S. Dwight, O holy night, Christmas Collection No.64

My prayer for all of us as we enter this season is that we might each find that thrill of hope this Christmas.

The season leading up to Christmas – Advent – is an opportunity to immerse ourselves in hope. We can wait in certain hope knowing that God will always fulfil his promises to us. This week in our Battle Drill devotionals, we explore ways to find God’s intended rhythm in our work and rest.

There’s a new episode of Battle Drill Devotional every Monday through Friday.

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Photo byΒ Kelly SikkemaΒ onΒ Unsplash

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