3 of the Latest and Best Leadership Articles (25 August 2023)

best leadership articles

The Best Leadership Articles I Read This Week

It’s hard to stay on top of the best leadership articles published each week. So here are three articles I found helpful this week.

This Week’s Best Leadership Articles:

Do You See Me? by Michael McKinney

“People want to feel seen. We all do. We want to know, “Do I matter?” We want to know that the leader is invested in us. As leaders, it becomes a matter of how we treat others. Do we include them in meaningful action? Do we listen? Do we care about their future?”

Working with People Who Aren’t Self-Aware by Tasha Eurich

“Even though self-awareness—knowing who we are and how we’re seen—is important for job performance, career success, and leadership effectiveness, it’s in remarkably short supply in today’s workplace. Researchers have found that although 95% of people think they’re self-aware, only 10 to 15% actually are. Un-self-aware colleagues aren’t just frustrating; they can cut a team’s chances of success in half and lead to increased stress, decreased motivation, and higher turnover. So how do we deal with these situations? Is it possible to help the unaware see themselves more clearly? And if we can’t, what can we do to minimize their damage on our success and happiness?”

7 Tips for a Slow & Intentional Day by Lauren Harder

“On my last birthday, I wrote down the words, “wholeheartedly present.” These were the words I wanted to live by—a life that was defined by slowing down, living simply, and having authentic connection with the people I love day by day. How can we hit the brakes and move from frantic to peaceful? Here are a couple tips to help get started.”

Do You Have One of the Best Leadership Articles to Share?

Thanks for reading with me. If you discovered one of the best leadership articles recently, drop me a line and share

Photo by Sergey Zolkin on Unsplash

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