3 of the Latest and Best Leadership Articles (7 July 2023)

best leadership articles

The Best Leadership Articles I Read This Week

It’s hard to stay on top of the best leadership articles published each week. To help you become the best leader possible, here are three of the best leadership articles I found helpful this week:

This Week’s Best Leadership Articles:

5 Tips for Leading Change: The End is the Beginning by Jeff Skipper

“You can’t successfully lead change without having a clear destination. In the rush to demonstrate that action is happening, that’s a simple point too often missed. Quick wins can lead to big losses if we are not moving in the right direction.”

2 Types Of Leaders – Which One Are You? by Brian Dodd

“So what does Kirby’s [United Airlines CEO] decision to fly private while thousands remained stranded in airports, Pontius Pilate’s decision to forego making a decision on Jesus’s innocence, and Jesus washing the feet of the disciples have in common?  Believe it or not, more than you would think.”

New Exodus? 4 Reasons Why People Are Leaving the Church (Including Christians) by Carey Nieuwhof

“While we won’t know the full impact of the disruption [from the pandemic] for a few more years, the steady decline of church attendance over the decades may be on the verge of becoming a new exodus. Barna data that tracks the church attendance patterns of Christians and the general population during 2020 against a pre-pandemic benchmark shows dramatic changes in church attendance patterns and attitudes. I’ll share the results of that survey first, and then offer four reflections and reasons why people are leaving the church. The first two are more about our strategy. The next two are more about our tone and the state of our hearts as leaders.”

Do You Have One of the Best Leadership Articles to Share?

Thanks for reading with me. If you discovered one of the best leadership articles recently, drop me a line and share!

Photo by Sergey Zolkin on Unsplash

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