How to Truly Commit to Christ: More Than Just Acknowledgment

#AnswerHisCall #CommitToChrist #FaithBlog #LivingFaith #ChristCentredFeeling lost? Need direction? 🙇‍♀️ There's a call waiting for you to answer. 📞 Our latest daily devotional podcast episode 'How to Truly Commit to Christ: More Than Just Acknowledgment' guides you towards a blooming relationship with Jesus. Discover the difference between simple acknowledgment and genuine commitment to Christ today in this episode.

Person committing to Christ in prayer
Battle Drill Devotional
Battle Drill Devotional
How to Truly Commit to Christ: More Than Just Acknowledgment


Explore the depth of faith as you commit to Christ, breaking beyond acknowledgment, understanding his call.


Many people say they believe in Jesus, and they think that’s enough. But our passage shows us that Jesus demands more than simple acknowledgement of his existence. He demands total commitment from us.

Luke 5:11 captures a pivotal moment when Simon Peter, James, and John left behind their fishing nets to follow Jesus. This act of commitment goes beyond mere acknowledgment of Jesus as Saviour; it symbolises a profound dedication to leaving behind our past and entrusting our futures to him.

Committed to the World and Not to Christ

Prior to this life-altering decision, these fishermen were entrenched in their livelihood, casting their nets into the sea to sustain their lives. However, after an exhausting night of fruitless labour, Jesus arrived and performed a miraculous catch. Recognising his divine power, Simon Peter, overwhelmed by his own inadequacy, fell to his knees. It was in that moment that he made the choice to follow Jesus.

Commit to Christ

Acknowledging Jesus as Saviour is a crucial first step, but the essence of discipleship demands more. It necessitates a willingness to let go of our past ways, including our self-reliance, and a determination to commit our future to Christ. Simon Peter’s choice to leave his nets signified a radical break from his former life, demonstrating his readiness to surrender his entire future to the Lord’s guidance.

We, too, are called to make this profound commitment. It’s a call to leave behind the habits, attitudes, and ambitions that hold us back from wholehearted devotion to Jesus. It’s an invitation to cast aside the “nets” that entangle us, whether they be material possessions, pride, or past mistakes, and to trust Jesus with our tomorrows.

Reflection Question:

Are there “nets” from your past that you need to leave behind to fully commit your future to Christ? What steps can you take to let go of the things that hinder your complete dedication to Him, knowing that His plans for your future are far greater than you can imagine?

Photo by Samuel Martins on Unsplash

Battle Drill Daily Devotional Podcast This Week

1. [Understanding Christ’s Call: Qualities and Costs](

2. [Commitment to Christ: A Beginner’s Guide](

3. [The True Meaning of Commitment to Christ](

4. [Discovering Your Vocation in Christ’s Call](

5. [7 Practical Tips for Committing to Christ](

6. [Christianity Basics: Understanding Christ’s Call](

7. [How to Respond to the Call of Christ](

8. [Overcoming Challenges in Committing to Christ](

9. [Reflecting Jesus: A Guide to Becoming Like Christ](

10. [Steps to a Deeper Commitment to Christ](

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