Pentecost: How To Experience Life-Changing Power

Pentecost power


A Christian without the power of the Holy Spirit isn’t much use to the Kingdom either. The events of Pentecost serve to remind us what a life-changing difference the indwelling power of God’s Spirit can make in our lives.


In our last Quarters, we had a socket in the kitchen which served a number of appliances. I can’t tell you how many times I stood waiting for the kettle to boil, only to realise it wasn’t plugged in! An electrical kettle without electric power is not much use!

A Power-less Christian

A Christian without the power of the Holy Spirit isn’t much use to the Kingdom either. The events of Pentecost serve to remind us what a life-changing difference the indwelling power of God’s Spirit can make in our lives.

Pentecost and Peter

Peter went from someone who, having boasted he would stand by Jesus no matter what, denied him three times, and then hid away in an upper room in Jerusalem afraid of what would happen next, to an apostle boldly proclaiming Jesus’ life, death and resurrection to those who had witnessed the events of Pentecost.

Ask the Holy Spirit for His Pentecost Power

Let’s all seek the Holy Spirit and his power again this Pentecost and use it to take the opportunities God gives us to extend his Kingdom. We will be amazed about what God can do through us!

This week on Battle Drill Devotionals, we focus on the events of Pentecost. The powerful arrival of God’s Holy Spirit changed people’s lives forever. It can change ours too! Each weekday we share hope and encouragement as we read and study the Bible together.

There’s a new episode of Battle Drill Devotional every Monday through Friday.

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Photo by Thomas Kelley on Unsplash

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