Introducing “I Speak Jesus” by Charity Gayle: A Powerful Worship Song for the Church

I speak Jesus lyrics


Experience the moving lyrics of I Speak Jesus by Charity Gayle, a powerful worship song that resonates with believers worldwide. Discover the soul-touching anthem now.

Introduction: The Song That Speaks Volumes: “I Speak Jesus” by Charity Gayle

Charity Gayle’s “I Speak Jesus” is a worship song that deeply moves believers worldwide. It is a powerful anthem that touches our souls. This song can touch hearts and inspire a deep love for Jesus with its meaningful words and beautiful tune.

The Story Behind the Song

Every great song has a story, and “I Speak Jesus” is no exception. This song was written by Abby Benton, Carlene Prince, Dustin Smith, Jesse Reeves, Kristen Dutton, Raina Pratt. It was created to praise Jesus and acknowledge his strength and control over our lives. The song is a declaration of faith and a reminder that Jesus is the answer to every need we have.

The gifted worship leaders and songwriters, wrote this song because they found solace in speaking the name of Jesus and experienced the transformative power of his presence. They had learned the importance of saying Jesus’ name and wanted to share that with others through a worship song.

The Meaning Behind the Lyrics

At the heart of “I Speak Jesus” is the message that Jesus is the source of hope, healing, and salvation. The lyrics beautifully express the truth that when we speak the name of Jesus, mountains move, chains break, and darkness flees. His name has authority and power. Speaking his name aligns us with his will and invites his presence into every situation.

The song tells believers to confidently say Jesus’ name in all parts of our lives, not just during worship. This shows that Jesus is not just someone from the past or a distant god. He is a real and active Saviour who is present with us and provides assistance in the present.

Using “I Speak Jesus” with Your Church Congregation

Any church congregation can embrace the song “I Speak Jesus.” Its powerful message and uplifting melody make it suitable for both intimate worship settings and large gatherings.

Worship Lyric Videos have produced several video versions you can sing along to. Here is the preview of one of them:

Here are a few ways you can incorporate this song into your worship experience:

  • Opening Song: Start your worship service with “I Speak Jesus” to set the tone for a powerful and transformative time of praise and worship.
  • Response Song: Use this song to respond to God’s Word. Let the congregation declare their faith and surrender to Jesus during preaching or teaching.
  • Prayer Song: Gather everyone to say the name of Jesus in prayer for their own lives and the world.

Using “I Speak Jesus” in worship will result in a strong experience with God’s presence. This will happen as you praise Jesus together as a church.

Lyrics: “I Speak Jesus” by Charity Gayle

Verse 1
I just want to speak the Name of Jesus
Over ev’ry heart and ev’ry mind
‘Cause I know there is peace within Your presence
I speak Jesus

Verse 2
I just want to speak the Name of Jesus
‘Til ev’ry dark addiction starts to break
Declaring there is hope and there is freedom
I speak Jesus

(‘Cause) Your Name is power
Your Name is healing
Your Name is life
Break ev’ry stronghold
Shine through the shadows
Burn like a fire

Verse 3
I just want to speak the Name of Jesus
Over fear and all anxiety
To ev’ry soul held captive by depression
I speak Jesus

Verse 4
Shout Jesus from the mountains
Jesus in the streets
Jesus in the darkness over ev’ry enemy
Jesus for my fam’ly
I speak the holy Name Jesus

Abby Benton, Carlene Prince, Dustin Smith, Jesse Reeves, Kristen Dutton, Raina Pratt
CCLI Song #7136201
© 2019 BEC Worship; Raina Pratt Publishing Designee; WriterWrong Music; For Me and My House Songs; Integrity’s Praise! Music; Worship Coalition Songs
For use solely with the SongSelect® Terms of Use. All rights reserved.
CCLI Licence No.135015


Listen to “I Speak Jesus” and let the words touch your heart. May you feel the life-changing power of Jesus in a new and transformative manner. Let this song be a reminder of the victory we have in Christ and the authority we possess as we speak his name. Jesus is our living hope, and through him, we can overcome every obstacle and declare His love to the world.


What is the song I Speak Jesus by Charity Gayle about?

I Speak Jesus by Charity Gayle is a powerful worship song that proclaims the authority and power of Jesus Christ.

What are the lyrics of I Speak Jesus?

The lyrics of I Speak Jesus are available above.

Can you provide a brief overview of Charity Gayle’s I Speak Jesus?

I Speak Jesus is a soul-stirring anthem by Charity Gayle that resonates with believers worldwide. It emphasises the declaration of Jesus’ name and the impact it has on our lives.

Where can I listen to I Speak Jesus by Charity Gayle?

You can listen to I Speak Jesus by Charity Gayle on popular music platforms such as Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, and others.

Are there any covers or alternate versions of I Speak Jesus available?

Yes, there are various covers and alternate versions of I Speak Jesus by Charity Gayle available on platforms like YouTube. Many talented artists have interpreted the song in their unique styles.

Can I use I Speak Jesus in my church worship service?

Yes, I Speak Jesus is widely used in church worship services. It can be a powerful addition to your worship repertoire, encouraging the congregation to proclaim the name of Jesus.

Are there any official music videos or live performances of I Speak Jesus?

Yes, there are official music videos and live performances of I Speak Jesus by Charity Gayle available on her official YouTube channel. These videos beautifully capture the essence of the song.

Are there any chord charts or sheet music available for I Speak Jesus?

Yes, chord charts and sheet music for I Speak Jesus by Charity Gayle are available for purchase on various music platforms or through official songbooks.

Has I Speak Jesus received any awards or recognition?

While specific awards or recognition may vary, I Speak Jesus has gained immense popularity among worship communities globally, making a significant impact through its powerful message.

Can you recommend similar songs or artists in the worship genre?

If you enjoy I Speak Jesus by Charity Gayle, you may also like songs by other worship artists such as Bethel Music, Elevation Worship, Hillsong Worship, Maverick City Music, and Jesus Culture. These artists create soul-touching anthems that resonate with believers worldwide.

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