Salvation Army – Where Do We Go From Here?

Salvation Army movement


Let’s thank God for all that is past in The Salvation Army, but let us also show that we trust him for all that’s to come by cheerfully, eagerly, and energetically engaging with the work he has for us to do.


This weekend we celebrated our 137th Corps Anniversary at Maidenhead Citadel Salvation Army. We thanked God for his faithfulness over these years. I have been fascinated to trace our history from our days in the chapel in Bridge Street, the move to Queen Street, and then here to East Road. There will have been many “ups” and I am sure, our fair share of “downs”. But through it all, God has been with us and his Kingdom has grown.

Salvation Army – Man, Movement, Machine, or Monument?

American Christian writer, Richard Rohr has traced what seems to be an inevitable journey for many organisations, including churches, from Man (and/or woman) to Movement to Machine to Monument. You may have your own views on where Maidenhead Corps is on this continuum. I am determined to ensure we do not become a Monument to our past. Our corps or The Salvation Army cannot and should not be our main focus. We should be content just to belong and to spectate. We shouldn’t continue to do things just because that’s what we’ve always done. We need to be a corps and a Movement that is dynamic, creative and purposeful, and we each have a part to play in ensuring that’s the case.

Thank God for the Past but Trust Him for the Future

So Salvation Army, let’s thank God for all that is past, but let us also show that we trust him for all that’s to come by cheerfully, eagerly, and energetically engaging with the work he has for us to do.

This week on Battle Drill Devotionals, we reflect on the awesome privilege of being God’s people.

There’s a new episode of Battle Drill Devotional every Monday through Friday.

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Photo by Julian Hochgesang on Unsplash

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