Rahab: The Prostitute Who Became a Hero of The Faith

God’s redemption ensures dignity, leadership, and partnership for all human beings. If at times you feel like a failure, or an outsider, remember Rahab trusted in God and was used mightily by him.

Battle Drill Salvation Army Daily Devotional Podcast
Battle Drill Devotional
Battle Drill Devotional
Rahab: The Prostitute Who Became a Hero of The Faith

Rahab was a woman in a man’s world. She was a prostitute. That alone made her an outsider. She lived on the edge of society. She was always one stop short of rejection. To make matters worse, she was a refugee – a Canaanite foreigner saved by Israel. And yet, still today, both the Jewish and Christian religions remember Rahab as a hero of the faith.

Why? Firstly, because she rescues the spies sent by Joshua to scout the land promised to them by God from the Canaanite king. Her house, built into the city wall, was a strategic place for the spies to stay. The people of Jericho would simply mistake them for her customers.

Secondly, she shows that she knows God’s plan. She understands that God has given the Israelites the Promised Land. She proclaims that God is the supreme God of the heavens and the earth. Her prophecy forms the basis of the report the spies give to Joshua on their return.

As so often in God’s story, Rahab’s example shows us that God often works through people we are inclined to reject. God turns our expectations on their head! He elevates the most ostracised in our society – the woman, the prostitute, and the foreigner. God remembered her not because of her status, but because of her faith.

God’s redemption ensures dignity, leadership, and partnership for all human beings. If at times you feel like a failure, or an outsider, remember Rahab trusted in God and was used mightily by him. He can do the same through you!

Think It Over

Think about the following:

  • When did God last speak to you through someone unexpected?

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