Invite God’s Power into Your Life

If you haven’t yet received the Holy Spirit's power, then invite the Holy Spirit in today. If you have but you feel you need a fresh infilling of his power and might, invite him in today.

Battle Drill Salvation Army Daily Devotional Podcast
Battle Drill Devotional
Battle Drill Devotional
Invite God's Power into Your Life

Have you ever looked at someone so filled with Holy Spirit power and wished it were you?

Perhaps you’ve watched them confidently share their testimony with a stranger or preach a powerful sermon or show love to someone who seemed unlovable and wished you could do the same.

The promise of Pentecost is that everyone – you included – can be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. Moses had yearned for God to put his Spirit on everyone (Numbers 11:29) but the prophet Joel made it plain that God’s timing was that this would occur only “in the last days.”

Peter proclaims that the “last days” are here now. They are the days between Jesus’ first coming at Christmas and his second coming when he returns to bring a new heaven and a new earth. In these last days, at Pentecost, God’s Holy Spirit power was released throughout the entire world to everyone – men, women, sons, daughters, Jews, and Gentiles. Everyone can receive Holy Spirit power!

The question is, have you received it? If you haven’t, then invite the Holy Spirit in today. If you have but you feel you need a fresh infilling of his power and might, invite him in today.

Think It Over

Think about the following:

•     What is the closest you have ever come to experiencing the special power of the Holy Spirit in your life?

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